U.S. Ambassador Killed, American Sovereignty Breached

Landry Reiterates Call for Obama to Meet with Netanyahu

WASHINGTON, DC - Amid news of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens being assassinated and the U.S. Embassy in Egypt being overrun, Congressman Jeff Landry (R, LA-03) has renewed his call for President Barack Obama to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“Yesterday, as we mourned the lives of those lost on September 11th, America was once again attacked by Islamic radicals. Our Ambassador to Libya was assassinated, and our sovereign land in Egypt was invaded,” said Landry. “At a time when America is under attack, it is even more imperative the President meet with the leader of our strongest ally in the region.”

“Reports of Egypt’s intelligence chief meeting with a senior Iranian spy should further spark the necessity for the President to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu and cancel any plans to use American money to bail out Egypt’s new Islamist government. We should cease funding any nation that is run by radical Islamists, such as the Muslim Brotherhood,” continued Landry.

“America does not bend or break. We do not apologize for our greatness. We do not ignore our friends or reward our enemies. Now is the time for real leadership out of Washington,” concluded Landry.


Landry is a veteran of Desert Storm and left the military with the rank of Sergeant. He received the Army Achievement Medal, the Army Commendation Medal, a National Defense Ribbon, an Overseas Training Ribbon, and the Louisiana War Cross from his 11 years of service as a member of the Louisiana National Guard.