Michael McCaul

Michael McCaul


News from Congressman Michael McCaul (R-TX 10) and his Press Office

DC; Austin to Houston · http://www.house.gov/mccaul

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Tonight demonstrated vastly different paths. Romney made the case for economic growth through lower taxes and a CFO in the White House.

About to join Matt Patrick on KTRH to discuss Ft Hood Webster report. Yesterday NCTC told me Ft Hood was a "tough learned lesson".

Watch McCaul on Fox News Channel story with John Roberts on DRONES. 5:30pmCT/6:30ET. DHS abandons oversight of civilian UASs.

In Tomball this morning touring TOMAGWA faith-based healthcare with Chief Hauck and others who have a passion for helping people.

Just spoke at CenterPoint in Hou. Unveiling new transformer that will mitigate economic and human losses from nat disasters, cyber attacks.


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