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Celebrated Michael's birthday with a surprise party! He loved it! Doing photo shoot with boys today for their next book!
I'll be back home tomorrow. Celebrating my darling husband's birthday!!!!!
Jamie & Bobby have a book signing today at Barnes & Noble at 2pm. Y'all come see' em!
In Tunica for a few days. Might be unavailable while here. Will be home for the weekend...big plans!
Taped Dr. Phil, then Bonnie Hunt. Lots of fun! Headed to Tunica for some R&R!
Gettin hair & make-up done to tape Bonnie Hunt & Dr. Phil this afternoon.
Jay Leno was so much fun! I don't think I talk like a pussycat. Taping Bonnie Hunt & Dr. Phil today, will air later this month.
Y'all, KD Lang and Will Smith are gonna be on Jay Leno along with me tonight! I'm so excited!!!
The weather in LA is just beautiful! Don't forget to watch Jay Leno tonight. Will update y'all on air times for the others!
OK y'all, change of plans. Jay Leno and Dr. Phil today then Bonnie Hunt tomorrow. I'm glad my team is with me!
On a plane heading for LA. Doing Jay Leno tomorrow. Might try to get some sleep. Goodnight y'all!
Just finished my segment on QVC. I love a live audience, and I just adore Bob!
At QVC today, then leave for the West coast to do Jay Leno and Bonnie Hunt Monday. Going coast to coast makes packing hard!
Came home late last night. Went to Wal-Mart. Who doesn't love Wal-Mart late at night? It's great!
Took Jack shopping yesterday. Think I'm finished decorating...for now. Will be on the road rest of the week.
Christmas tree finally decorated! House decorations coming together. Need more ribbon I think. Going shopping!
Thanksgiving was wonderful! Christmas decorating all weekend! Lost count of number of lights on the tree!
Going grocery shopping for Thanksgiving. Boy, I'm cutting it close! Oh, well, Happy Thanksgiving Y'all! Best Dishes!
I find when I have time off, I don't know what to do! I'm sure there are cookbooks to sign and letters to answer at the office!
Y'all, barring anything beyond my control, 11:35PM EST, I'm on Nightline tonight. Hope y'all watch!


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