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@CesLSU Hot chicks love me too. I like to send them scriptures. Usually they unfollow me quickly.
@elf1024 Yes, you can follow the feed from It is our news site, but feed runs down the middle of it.
I just lost a BUNCH of followers. TCOT must be removing spammers again. Bye-bye porn gals. I'll not miss you.
@elf1024 Oh good! I hope there's a prize. Pie would be good. I like pie. Or a pedicure! Are you listening @michaelpleahy? LOL!
@LisainDallas # marks r called hash tags. They do group tweets together so a conversation is easier to follow. Go to 2 C.
@elf1024 Size doesn't matter. HA! Had to say that! Actually, you'll be surprised how quickly ur list of followers grows.
If you haven't joined #TCOT, now is the time. Go to www.topconservativesontwitt... & join. Next project coming soon. Be ready to rock it.
RT @james300 1 out of 5 voters neither support or oppose Stimulus Bill
Which Democrat Senators are so loved in their states? Any in danger of being voted out in 2 years?
@old_pol Yes they are. I love my boots. I'm wearing them right now!
My 10 yr old son "Shouldn't they be called 'Red Dogs' since they voted with the Republicans?" Hmmm. Clever boy. Takes after his momma. #tcot
Let's declare it "Be Nice To Republican House Members" Day. Write/call them, & the 11 blue dogs too, & say THANKS! Show 'em some love. #tcot
@bobinglis Please tell all House Republicans thank you for voting "no" on H.R. 1. We applaud ur courage & hope it continues. #tcot
@jasoninthehouse Thank you so much 4 your courage in voting "NO" to H.R. 1. We count on u to continue to hold the line 4 conservatism. #tcot
RT @michellemalkin Ha! I love this: "Operation Send a Pair." Supply the Senate GOP with testicular fortitude. #tcot
@DamamaT "WTFrig" LOL! You kill me, girl.
@mikepfs Absolutely. We'll do "Melt the Phones II" soon. In the mean time, feel free 2 contact ur reps & THANK them 4 voting NO. #tcot


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