Levin -- Statement on President Obama’s Remarks on Fiscal Cliff

Nov 9, 2012

WASHINGTON – Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Sander Levin (D-MI) today made the following statement regarding President Obama’s remarks on the fiscal cliff:

“The President struck exactly the right tone today in urging Congress to get back to work and reach a balanced agreement to avoid the fiscal cliff. The election presented the American people with a clear choice about whether the nation’s highest earners should be asked to pay a little more. Their decision was emphatic. Speaker Boehner has called on the President to lead and now I hope that Republicans in the House will follow that lead and immediately pass an extension of the middle class tax cut.  This action alone will provide certainty to 98 percent of the American people, including 97 percent of small business owners. It will resolve a large part of the fiscal cliff and set the stage for further action on year-end issues, including extending federal unemployment insurance and ending a year of the sequester through spending reductions and revenue increases.”
