Rep. Paul Ryan: The President wants to raise taxes to fuel more spending

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Published on Jul 10, 2012 by

Rep. Paul Ryan was a guest on CNBC's Squawk Box to respond to President Obama's proposed tax increase that will hit small businesses. It's not even for debt reduction. All these tax increases that he is proposing don't even pay for a fifth of his proposed deficit spending.


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  • Ken Langone,founder of Home Depot, on REPUBLICAN PAUL RYAN:

    "I asked Congressman Ryan,who is now a deficit hawk, where was he those six years when we were spending money like drunk sailors in Washington," Langone said, "He voted for every spending bill that came down the road. I'm suspicious of people that have a newfound faith....."

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  • I do believe you are the most misinformed person on the web. Taxes do not create prosperity.Taxes only leads to more spending. Taxes on any class always ends up in higher prices. Tax the rich they pass the tax increase to you in products sold.Tax the middle class prices go up still and middle class has less money. Cutting spending will result in americans with more money in there pockets. Thats the path to prosperity. Not taxes to pay for special interest projects.

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  • Yeah, why elect people who learn from their mistakes and change the way they vote when we can re-elect people who refuse to change their views despite the obvious failures? That sounds like a WONDERFUL idea.

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  • Maybe folks are throwing Obama at you is because this is a simple either/or choice. If you're not for Romney/Ryan, you aren't doing anything to fix Obama's failures.

    If you're looking to get money out of politics, you'd probably like some of the Tea Party's ideas. However, if, as I suspect, you are more interested in bashing conservatives...

    Romney/Ryan aren't perfect, sure. But they're the better option between the two, and they will lead us to a faster recovery than Obama/Biden. Bet on it.

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  • Id have to agree with ending the drug war. Sending people to jail for nonviolent drug crimes where drugs are is really pointless. If govt cared about its citizens it would send the to drug rehab and save money while improving the pop in the process. Im not exactly for Ryan but i am objective about all politicians. Diversity in opinions is a good thing. After all if everyone was thinking the same then no one was really thinking. lol

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  • part two Also keep in mind when clinton was taxing people we had a the dot com bubble fueling more cash into the economy. We just dont have the industry or economic growth to try to add new taxes. There is no new revenue created to attempt to levy new taxes on. We both agree cutting spending. And if we actually cut spending and dont attempt to start up new programs with the freed up cash the trillions in debt will go down

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  • Name calling and assumptions only shows your ignorance. Try to keep in mind there is a word limit on the post. Thinking you know someones pov from a few short posts is far from accurate. Clintons tax rates were affected by the housing bubble he helped start. Clinton had both rising salaries and a high GDP when taxes rose. I said everyone should pay the same in taxes not rich pay less. now we have smaller salaries and a GDP at 1.5%.taxing a weak economy is just putting more strain on everyone

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  • Bad for the economy....Obamas policy's policys have been a complete failure. gas was 215 a gallon when bush left office not its 405. What do you think has been happening to the middle class the last 4 years nothing but debt and death.... Under obama GDP has slowed to 1.5% and the debt has doubled. We have no new income and double the debt good job obamas answer is to spend more.. Dont think for a second obama is a special snowflake doing "good" he has done his part to help ruin this country.

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  • It does not matter who you tax prices will rise no exceptions. Its time to stop having govt attempt to solve all our problems. Govt solutions = special interest and more taxes. We dont need to tax anyone anyone more we should all be taxed the same. Why punish success and reward failure... We need less spending in DC and less govt in every aspect of our lives. there are 15 depts trying to run this country excluding 10 more federal policing agency's. That is where the cuts need to be.

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