[Constitution, Jefferson's Manual, and the Rules of the House of Representatives, 104th Congress]
[104th Congress]
[House Document 103-342]
[Rules of the House of Representatives]
[Page 750]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]

[[Page 750]]


                              Rule XXXIII.

                     OF ADMISSION TO THE GALLERIES.

Sec. 922. The various galleries and admission thereto. The Speaker shall set aside a portion of the west gallery for the use of the President of the United States, the members of his Cabinet, justices of the Supreme Court, foreign ministers and suites, and the members of their respective families, and shall also set aside another portion of the same gallery for the accommodation of persons to be admitted on the card of Members. The southerly half of the east gallery shall be assigned exclusively for the use of the families of Members of Congress, in which the Speaker shall control one bench, and on request of a Member the Speaker shall issue a card of admission to his family, which shall include their visitors, and no other person shall be admitted to this section.
This rule was adopted in 1880 (V, 7302). It was renumbered January 3, 1953, p. 24. On special occasions the House sometimes makes a special rule for admission to the galleries (V, 7303), as on the occasion of the electoral count (III, 1961), of an address by the President, and of public funerals.