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Rep. Fudge Talks About Hunger in America and Importance of SNAP

"Mr./ Madam Speaker, I rise today to address the epidemic of hunger in this nation.

Nearly 49 million people in the United States suffer from hunger. That is one-in-six of the U.S. population -- including more than one-in-five children.

Feeding America recently reported that forty-six percent of households served by its agencies must choose between paying for utilities or heating fuel and paying for food.

Thirty-nine percent of households said they must choose between paying their mortgage or rent and paying for food.

Hunger is real in this country. We know that, yet some still demonize SNAP and other feeding programs.

Preventing hunger is a moral imperative that should be shared by people in every party, demographic, and religion.

I encourage my colleagues to visit a local food bank in their district, or take the SNAP Challenge. Find out what it is like to live just for one day, or one week as someone who struggles with hunger.

I yield back."