


I serve as the Congressman for Florida’s 9th Congressional District

Palm Harbor, Fla. ·

May we celebrate & remember all those who have served, are serving or will serve America.

While the duties of the Armed Forces have changed over time, the bravery, dignity & honor of our men & women in uniform remain firm.

This wknd, natl parks will offer free admission for Veterans Day. Honor those who served by visiting 1 of FL's parks:

Over 7 wks have passed since the terrorist attack in Libya. We deserve to know why pleas for more security were ignored

More Americans are discouraged w the job market. We need economic policies incentivizing business to hire ppl & get our country back to work

Oct jobs report: 7.9% unemployment due to those giving up on search for full-time work, & instead finding part-time jobs w uncertain futures

To those on the East Coast preparing for Sandy, use to create a plan & learn about resources in your local community.

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