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Abilene High School students protesting The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act that requires more fruit and vegetables and less meat and breads for lunches have expanded the three-day protest to every Tuesday and Thursday through the rest of the year and that protest is making more headlines. On Monday Lindsey Rogers (shown filming) with WIBW TV out of Topeka recorded a segment for the evening news. According to Abilene World History teacher Wendy Sherbert, KWCH TV out of Wichita has a visit planned for Thursday along with a possible visit by newly elected U.S. Congressman Tim Huelskamp. The protest came about after Sherbert’s World History class studied Gandhi and how he used civil disobedience to end British rule of India. The students say they are not protesting the high school staff (see poster) rather the federal law. (Photos by Tim Horan)