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Hensarling Statement on Latest Unemployment Report

WASHINGTON – Congressman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today regarding the latest unemployment report released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“For the 43rd month in a row, unemployment remains above 8 percent in the worst jobs crisis since the Great Depression. The president’s policies continue to fail and are making the economy worse. The Obama economy has left more than 20 million Americans struggling for work, new business creation at a generational low, and more Americans on food stamps than ever before. It is long passed time for a new direction that delivers the jobs, hope, and prosperity the American people have been waiting for.
“President Obama had his shot at reviving our economy and he failed. That’s why job growth is so slow, and it’s why the American people are sick and tired of this administration’s attempts to distract them with the politics of diversion, division, and envy. Tough times call for solutions and serious leadership, not excuses and fear-mongering. Washington Democrats have chosen to put politics before our nation’s jobs and debt crisis for far too long. The results speak for themselves.
“Since entering the majority, House Republicans have passed dozens of jobs bills that continue to be ignored by the Democrat-controlled Senate. The president’s plan to punish small businesses with more taxes and red tape while spending more money we don’t have has failed. It’s time to give our plan a chance.”