Selective Service

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Published on Mar 1, 2012 by

The stamp on Obama's selective service registration has only two digits. This video demonstrates how it could have been made.


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  • It's as pointless arguing with birthers as it is creationists. No matter how much evidence you provide that they are wrong, they'll always believe they're right. It's incredible, how someone can have such a hate-filled and distorted world-view, in spite of no supporting proof. I believe Orwell called it 'double-think'.

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  • You're so full of full of it. Rebut one piece of evidence in this video. You can't. It's easier to falsely accuse us of hatred that admit you're wrong. BTW, liberals are the most racist people on the planet. Religious bigots too. I'm guessing you've never complained about al the hateful signs directed at jews waved at the various occupy rallies?

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  • Well Michael your comment was extremely useful. You can't explain a single anomaly in the birth certificate or selective service card, but we are the silly billies. Let me be blunt, liberals who blindly follow Obama are stupid. It's just that simple.

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  • I'm not a birther, a tea-partier, or even a registered republican. I'm just a spectator. In my unbiased opinion, those who come to the defense of the president, do so only by hurling insults towards his detractors in a futile effort to marginalize them. At this point, after 4 years, I must conclude that his supporters suffer from some shared delusion, character defect or mental illness.

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  • If this is fact (and there is no alternate explanation) then it is a felony still within the statute of limitations. However, it is the Department of Justice that has jurisdiction to prosecute. Does anyone really think Holder would prosecute Obama?

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  • @billy p. This is absurd, but you probably believe Bush knocked the towers down. Lol. Dumb ass

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  • For all those complaining about "So what, I don't care about Selective Service", That's fine for you, but you can't be paid by the Government if you didn't register. It is a felony to hold office, get a pension or paycheck, ect if you didn't register. You have to forge the document to hold a Federal job. NO problem if you never need the Fed's. Even getting a government loan for college or any other reason is illegal without a legal registration. If they check, you lose. Obama is a loser.

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  • No they are not delusional, they are pigs feeding at the same trough.

    There are people who would be taking the same "long drop" [at the end of a rope] if this conspiracy against America and the Western world were fully exposed.

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