Hensarling on House Action to Make the Tax Code Fairer & Simpler (8-2-12)

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Published on Aug 2, 2012 by

House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) delivered the following remarks today on the House floor in support of H.R. 6169, the Pathway to Job Creation through a Simpler, Fairer Tax Code Act of 2012, which would provide an expedited path to comprehensive pro-growth tax reform in 2013.


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  • Where are the jobs Mr. Speaker?

    I need a job.

    I need a job.

    I need a job.

    I'm a good person.

    I'm a man.

    I have a family.

    I need a job.

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  • Congress should get no summer break if they can't even tell everyone in the country whether we get the scheduled tax increase next year or not. The Senators need to act now, Senator Reid. Stop being distracted on issues much less important for our economy and jobs. Listen to these Republicans in the house that are trying to get something done soon.

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  • It's crazy that an Olympian has to pay taxes on their Olympic medal.

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