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Nunnelee Newsletter: Veterans Day

Dear Friends,

The liberties we enjoy today are only possible because of the brave men and women of our armed forces.  As we celebrate Veterans Day, I hope you will join me in saying thank you to those who serve or have served. 

If you are a veteran, I want you to know you can always look to my office to provide help dealing with the federal bureaucracy.  You can contact my office at 662-841-8808 or click the link here to contact me via email. 

We have many serious issues facing our country.  We tax, spend, and borrow far too much.  In the coming weeks and months we will have a vigorous debate over how to get our fiscal house in order.  We must get spending under control or we will face the prospect of a debt crisis like we are seeing in Europe. 

However, I know that Congress cannot balance our budget on the backs of the men and women voluntarily serving this country.  Our obligation to our troops does not end when a war is over, and we must ensure that our military men and women are provided with the care they deserve both during and after service. 

As your Representative in Congress, I will continue to fight for the rights and benefits of our veterans, and hold strong the retirement commitments made for those career military families who have sacrificed so much to defend this great nation.

Stay in touch and God bless,