
Rehberg Criticizes Both House & Senate for Adjourning Before Work is Done – Highlights His Bill to Block Congressional Pay

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Montana's Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today released the following statement critical of the decision by House and Senate Leaders to adjourn until after the election and before getting their work done.  Notably, Rehberg has introduced The No Budget, No Pay Act (H.R. 3643) which would prohibit members of Congress from receiving their congressional pay if either body has not approved a budget, or passed their regular appropriations bills, by October 1st.

“I’m disappointed that the House and Senate have decided to adjourn with so much unfinished work to do.  Any hard-working Montanan knows you don’t leave work before the work’s done.  The House needs to act on the Farm Bill before it expires.  The Senate has even more unfinished business on its plate.  Folks in Montana are upset and so am I.  There’s no reason members of Congress should get paid if they can’t get their work done, which is why I introduced legislation to stop Congressional pay checks from going out the door if Congress heads out the door prematurely.”

Unfinished Business in the U.S. House:

  • Farm Bill (passed Senate 6/21/12)
  • Postal Reform (passed Senate 4/25/12)

Unfinished Business in the U.S. Senate:

  • Sportsmen’s Heritage Act (passed House 4/17/12)
  • Death Tax Increase Prevention (passed House 8/1/12)
  • Sequestration Prevention (passed House 5/10/12 & 9/13/12)
  • Budget (passed House 3/29/12)
  • End War on Coal Act (passed House 9/21/12)
  • Disaster Assistance for Farmers (passed House 8/2/12)
  • Any of 38 Jobs Bills: