
Rehberg Urges Postal Service to Rethink Rural Service Cuts

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, today sent a letter to the United States Postal Service upon learning that it has approved the plan to move mail processing from Kalispell to Missoula in 2013.  Rehberg’s letter asked the USPS to reconsider its decision.  Rehberg has already sent numerous letters to the Postal Service urging them not to close the Kalispell processing center.

“The Postal Service just doesn’t seem to get it," said Rehberg.  "Despite what the pencil pushers say, cutting rural service is the last thing they should be doing.  Urban locations have countless competitors and easier access to goods while rural states like Montana are much more dependent on the Postal Service.  The last thing a struggling service should be doing is alienating it’s most loyal and most dependent customers.  I hope they’ll re-think this problematic decision.”

The full letter is below:

Dear Postmaster General Donahoe:

I am writing to express my disappointment with the United States Postal Service’s decision to consolidate the Kalispell Customer Service Mail Process Center with the Missoula center next year.

I have expressed to you many times that the issue of postal reform is about much more than numbers on a ledger, and rural states like Montana should not be asked to shoulder more than our fair share of sacrifice. I remain concerned about how the consolidation of mail processing facilities will affect the timely delivery of mail across Montana.

While I appreciate the challenges the United States Postal Service faces, it is vital that you recognize how each of Montana’s post offices and employees are an important part of a community’s economy.  Montanans are willing to be part of the solution, but any changes in the system should not mean one day of decreased mail delivery services.  I ask you to reconsider your decision.
