
Rehberg's Steadfast Support of Small Business Garners National Recognition - Again

Congressman Rehberg accepts the Guardian of Small Business Award from Dan Danner, NFIB President and CEO. (Click on this link to download a full-sized courtesy photo.)

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Montana’s Congressman, Denny Rehberg, has once again been honored by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) which named him a “Guardian of Small Business.” The award was given for Rehberg’s leadership in job creation and pro small business policies during the 112th Congress. Rehberg is the only member of the Montana congressional delegation who has received the award since 2009.

“I’m proud of the fact that I’m Montana’s strongest advocate for small businesses because our state’s communities and families are powered by small businesses,” said Rehberg. “I continually travel across Montana talking with business owners, and they tell me that government burdens are one of the main reasons they have difficulty expanding and hiring. We need to get government off of the backs of small businesses and on their side, and I will keep fighting to help ensure Montana’s businesses prosper with a low tax burden, and fair trade and regulatory policies.”

The NFIB is the nation’s leading small business association. The Guardian of Small Business awards are given based on the voting record of congressional members on important votes taken in Congress during 2011 and 2012. The NFIB recognized Rehberg for his steadfast opposition to the job-killing policies coming out of Washington, D.C.

Over a dozen U.S. House votes were selected as key votes in determining the rating. Among the issues were (click on the links for news releases) repealing the costly and burdensome Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, supporting a Constitutional Balanced Budget Amendment, preventing tax increases, reducing unnecessary over-regulation, and fighting against stifling new farm regulations. For more information on the NFIB’s key issues affecting Montana businesses, go to

“In the 112th Congress, Representative Denny Rehberg proved that he is a champion of small business,” said Dan Danner, NFIB President and CEO. “The Guardian of Small Business Award is a legislative award given to U.S. Representatives and Senators who vote to promote and protect the right of small-business owners to own, operate and grow their businesses.”

Rehberg has received the NFIB's Guardian of Small Business Award every Congress since first elected. (Click on this link to download a full-sized courtesy photo.)