Idaho politics: Labrador, Simpson support Holder contempt vote (UPDATED, 3:49 p.m.)

UPDATED, 3:49 p.m., with a statement from Labrador.

I may have more to post on this as we go today, but here's the skinny.

The House today voted 255-67 to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress over the Fast and Furious operation.

Both Idaho lawmakers, Republicans Raul Labrador and Mike Simpson, voted in favor.

Here's a statement from Simpson: “I find no satisfaction in voting to hold the attorney general in contempt of Congress, but I also can’t stand by and watch the oversight role of Congress ignored and thwarted. Congress has a right to the documents it has sought from the Attorney General but more importantly, the American people have a right to those documents. The American people also have a right to the truth surrounding Operation Fast and Furious and until I am confident they have received the truth, I will support the effort of Congress to aggressively seek it on their behalf.”

And here's a statement from Labrador: “Today’s bipartisan votes by the full House of Representatives to find Attorney General Eric Holder in both criminal and civil contempt of Congress were the inevitable outcome of months of stonewalling by the Department of Justice. Yet today’s votes shouldn’t have been necessary at all. It is deeply troubling that despite numerous requests and a subpoena from the Oversight and Government Reform Committee more than 90 percent of the known documents pertaining to Operation Fast and Furious have not been turned over by Eric Holder and the DOJ.

“Congress is seeking to learn the complete truth about Operation Fast and Furious and not just the bits and pieces of the story that the Department of Justice has given us. Attorney General Holder has a troubling pattern of ignorance and ineptitude and his refusal to pursue justice is inexcusable. A border patrol agent is dead, hundreds of guns are still missing, and the Executive Branch is now claiming executive privilege in order to keep the truth hidden forever. The families of the victims and the American people deserve far better than this from Attorney General Holder and the White House.”

It was largely but not entirely a party-line vote. Seventeen Democrats supported the move, while 108 Democrats skipped the vote entirely. Here is the roll call.

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1340920263 Idaho politics: Labrador, Simpson support Holder contempt vote (UPDATED, 3:49 p.m.) Idaho Statesman Copyright 2012 Idaho Statesman . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Holders amnesia regarding Fast and Furious

seems to have had consequences for him. Bet'cha he remembers this for the rest of his life.

Bipartisan vote

Ha! The vote was about as bipartisan as will be your opinion of yesterdays SCOTUS decision of the ACA after you sent out the opinion survey in your newsletter yesteday Mr. Labrador.