Cong. Mike Simpson

Cong. Mike Simpson


U.S. Congressman from Idaho's 2nd Congressional District

Washington, D.C. ·

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To the people of Southeast Idaho tragically impacted by wildfire, I'm ready to help in any way. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Mike Simpson on Eric Holder contempt vote: Oversight role of Congress must not be 'ignored and thwarted.' My blog:

Happy 237th birthday . Thank you for many years of sacrifice on behalf of this great country.

Sponsored bill passed by the House; would authorize and permit existing water diversions in ID wilderness areas.

Want to make sure today’s youth have the same opportunities I had by being able to work on the family farm.

Grilled BLM about proposed cuts to grazing programs in FY13 budget. Concerned Obama isn't taking the issue seriously.

Beautiful painting honoring women donated by the Shoshone-Bannock tribes displayed in the Interior hearing room.


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