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Retired Aug. 1, 1969.   Died Nov. 23, 2001.

Maj. Gen. Wendell Eugene Carter is the deputy assistant secretary of defense (information), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense(Comptroller).

General Carter was born in Lincoln, Neb., in 1915. He graduated from North High School, Wichita, Kan., in 1933 and from the University of Wichita in 1938 with a bachelor of science degree in business administration. He received a master's degree in business administration from Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., in 1947.

He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Infantry Reserve, transferred to the Air Corps Reserve in 1940, and entered on active duty in August 1940 at Wright Field, Ohio. He served in various logistics assignments at Wright and Patterson fields, Ohio, until December 1945. Significant duties included Air Corps supply project officer for the North African invasion, compilation of the first Air Corps logistics tables, and the installation of inventory control procedures as a basis for procurement scheduling, property disposal and plant clearance. For this work General Carter received the Legion of Merit.

After graduation from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration in June 1947, he was assigned to what is now the Budget Directorate, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. From October 1949 until August 1951 he was an assistant to the comptroller of the Air Force for policy and was influential in forming the present Accounting and Finance Directorate and orienting the first educational programs for comptroller staff officers.

From August 1951 until December 1952 he was chief of the Administrative Management Division of the Air Materiel Command and then became chief of its Accounting Division where he served until June 1955. For his work in reorienting AMC accounting efforts he received a second Legion of Merit.

General Carter graduated from the Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., in July 1956, and became the comptroller of the Alaskan Air Command. His principal accomplishments were devising the means of reducing command manpower by one-third without impairing effectiveness and a complete review of sources of reimbursement being collected by the U.S. Air Force which resulted in significant increases. For this he received his third Legion of Merit.

In May 1959 he became deputy to the deputy chief of staff, comptroller, Military Air Transport Service and in June 1960 Deputy Chief of Staff, Comptroller, MATS.

He was assigned as deputy director of budget, Headquarters U.S. Air Force in January 1963.

In August 1964 he was assigned as deputy chief of staff, comptroller, Air Force Systems Command at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., where he remained until he assumed duties as deputy assistant secretary of defense (information) Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) in August 1967.

His military decorations include the Legion of Merit with two oak leaf clusters, Air Force Commendation Medal, and Army Commendation Medal with oak leaf cluster.

(Current as of Jan. 31, 1968)


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