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Martial Law in Hawaii:
The Papers of Major General Thomas H. Green,
Judge Advocate General's Corps, U.S. Army

On December 7, 1941, Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H. Green was Staff Judge Advocate, Hawaiian Department. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, he became executive to the military governor and was responsible for countless daily operations of the American military government in the Territory of Hawaii. His personal papers—spanning his entire career from 1917 through his retirement in 1949—include notes, speeches and newspaper clippings, as well as correspondence with such historic figures as the secretaries of War, Navy, and Interior, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Generals Walter Short and Delos Emmons, and Admirals William D. Leahy and Chester Nimitz. The papers from this collection will be made accessible in full text PDF versions and will be added to this page over the coming months, beginning with Major General Green's complete, unpublished manuscript: Martial Law in Hawaii: December 7, 1941 – April 4, 1943. These papers are among the rich collections of primary source materials in the field of military law at the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General's Legal Center & School Library in Charlottesville, VA External Link. For related materials also available on this Web site, see the series Enactments and Approved Papers of the Control Council and Coordinating Committee (Allied Control Authority, Germany, 1945-1948) and The Case of General Yamashita: A Memorandum.

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Martial Law in Hawaii Lieutenant Colonel Thomas H.Green USS Arizona USS Arizona
Martial Law in Hawaii Martial Law in Hawaii: December 7, 1941 – April 4, 1943
(OCLC Number 461333055)

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  July 16, 2010
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