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Geneva Conventions Materials

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Geneva Conventions poster Geneva Conventions poster Geneva Conventions poster Geneva Conventions poster Geneva Conventions poster ICRC Emblem

International Committee of the Red Cross Publications

1961-2001 International Review of the Red Cross Updated!

1946 Report on the Work of the Preliminary Conference of National Red Cross Societies . . .
1947 Report on the Work of the Conference of Government Experts for the Study . . .
1948 (May)

Draft Revised or New Conventions for the Protection of War Victims . . . (PDF)
(XVIIth International Red Cross Conference)
(OCLC Number 646066173)
1948 (Aug)

Seventeenth International Red Cross Conference: Report (PDF)
(OCLC Number 646066117)

Revised and New Draft Conventions for the Protection of War Victims: Texts Approved and
Amended by the XVIIth International Red Cross Conference . . . Revised Translation
(OCLC Number 646069526)
1949 (Feb)

Revised and New Draft Conventions for the Protection of War Victims: Remarks and Proposals
Submitted by the International Committee of the Red Cross . . .
(OCLC Number 646068912)

Analysis for the Use of National Red Cross Societies, The Geneva Conventions . . .
  bullet Volume I  (Conventions I and II)
  bullet Volume II  (Articles common to the Four Conventions; Conventions III and IV)
1952-1960 The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949. Commentary (Jean S. Pictet, General Editor)
1958 (Apr)

Final Record Concerning the Draft Rules for the Limitation of Dangers Incurred by the Civilian
Population in Time of War (PDF)
(XIXth International Conference of the Red Cross)
(OCLC Number 646069698)
[1963] Final Record of the Diplomatic Conference of Geneva of 1949


1969 (Sep)

Respect of the Geneva Conventions Measures Taken to Repress Violations. Report . . .
(English, French) (OCLC Number 667220200)
  bullet Volume I   (Item 4a of the provisional agenda of the International Humanitarian Law
                        Commission; XXth International Conference of the Red Cross, Vienna) (PDF)
  bullet Volume II  (Item 3 of the provisional agenda of the Commission on Humanitarian Law
                        and Relief to Civilian Population in the event of armed conflict; XXIst International
                        Conference of the Red Cross, Istanbul) (PDF)
1969 (May)
Reaffirmation and Development of the Laws and Customs Applicable in Armed Conflicts . . . (PDF)
(OCLC Number 665080406)
1971 Conference of Government Experts
1971 (Aug) Conference of Government Experts: Report . . . (PDF); (OCLC Number 665073140)
1971 (Jul) Conference of Government Experts, 2nd Session: Report . . . (OCLC Number 665073073)
Volume I (PDF)
  bullet Volume II (Annexes) (PDF)


On the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons
  bullet Weapons that may Cause Unnecessary Suffering or have Indiscriminate Effects
  bullet Conference of Government Experts on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons
  bullet Conference of Government Experts on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons
1973 (Oct)

Draft Additional Protocols to the Geneva Conventions . . . Commentary (PDF)
(OCLC Number 646069024)

Official Records of the Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of
Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts, 1974-1977
1987 Commentary on the Additional Protocols of 8 June 1977

The SIrUS Project: Towards a determination of which weapons cause "superfluous injury
or unnecessary suffering"

Constraints on the Waging of War, An Introduction to International Humanitarian Law (PDF)
Restricciones en la conducción de la guerra, Introducción al derecho internacional humanitario
[Spanish translation of Constraints on the Waging of War . . . ]
2005 Customary International Humanitarian Law, 2005
(OCLC Number 608540507)
2006 How Does Law Protect in War? - Volume I and II 
U.S. Government Documents

Message from the President of the United States (PDF)
(Transmitting Copies of the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims; U.S. Congress
82-1, Senate Executives D, E, F, and G)
(OCLC Number 367653652)

Senate Executive Report No. 9 (PDF)
(U.S. Congress 84-1, Report . . . on Executives D, E, F, and G; Report on the Geneva Conventions for the Protection of War Victims)
(OCLC Number 317714935)
1970 Geneva Conventions of 1949 & Hague Convention No. IV of 1907 (PDF) New!
(October 8, 1970; Army Subject Schedule No. 27-1; published in support of AR 350-216)
1975 Geneva Conventions of 1949 & Hague Convention No. IV of 1907 (PDF) New!
(August 29, 1975; Army Subject Schedule No. 27-1; published in support of AR 350-216)

Message from the President of the United States (PDF)
(Transmitting the Protocol II Additional to the Geneva Conventions . . . Relating to the Protection
of Victims of Noninternational Armed Conflicts; Treaty Doc.: 100-2; submitted to Senate
January 29, 1987)
(OCLC Number 317713145)

Message from the President of the United States (PDF)
(Transmitting the Hague Conventions for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed
Conflict . . . Accompanying Report from the Department of State on the Convention and the Hague
Protocol; Treaty Doc.: 106-1; submitted to Senate January 6, 1999)
(OCLC Number 540739181)


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  September 21, 2012
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