


Representing Texas in the Senate Since 2002.

Austin, Texas ·

WHAT IS GOING ON WITH ATTORNEY GENERAL ERIC HOLDER?: Last summer Attorney General Eric Holder knew that then CIA...

Saw Argo yesterday, a movie about the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Chilling, sobering, and inspirational at the same time.

"Our veterans have shown tremendous devotion to America. They deserve the same from their government and should...

WSJ: "Imagine the gusher of revenue the feds could get if government got out of the way and let the economy grow...

Looking foward to Central Texas Veterans Celebration at Riverbend Centre tonight. God bless our veterans and their families.

From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, happy 237th Birthday to our U.S. Marine Corps!

Seriously, why would anyone threaten Americans with a recession and more economic pain, just to raise taxes...

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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