Rep Phil Gingrey, MD

Rep Phil Gingrey, MD


Rep. Phil Gingrey, M.D., is a a pro-life OB/GYN physician representing Georgia's 11th Congressional District.

Washington, DC ·

To reclaim role as world leader in production we must alter econ. policies, deregulate job creators & curb union influence

In 2011, the EPA mandated a set of rules referred to as “Boiler-MACT,” which are estimated to cost $14.4B & 224,000 jobs.

The Sept. jobs report found the sector lost 16,000 jobs. We have a long way to go, but we can restore this industry.

In 3 months, the largest tax hike in history is set to take place. House Republicans have passed the only plan to

Today marks the 4th consecutive year of annual deficits over $1 trillion under . We must get our fiscal house in order.

Il caricamento sembra essere lento.

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