Statement on Veterans Day 2012

Nov 9, 2012 Issues: Veterans

Representative Reichert issued the following statement for Veterans Day 2012:

"Today, we pause to honor the commitment of America's servicemen and women. Throughout our nation’s history, they have tirelessly proven their willingness to sacrifice all to uphold our freedom and liberty, those qualities that uniquely define the United States.

"Our gratitude takes the form of Veterans Day today, but it is not limited to a yearly reminder. Instead, we must honor them, and the families who stoically support them, every day by working to improve and serve the country for which they fought. As an elected representative, I am proud to support them by voting for legislation which ensures that they have the necessary resources when they return to their civilian lives. Please join me in thanking our men and women in uniform, past and present, at home and across the globe, for their service. They are always in our thoughts and prayers."