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The Fed Bets on America

Posted: 09/25/2012 3:35 pm

Recently, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), led by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and with an overwhelming vote of 11 to 1, decided to undertake another round of purchases of mortgage-backed securities, a process known as quantitative easing. That's the technical explanation for their actions. The practical explanation, the explanation that will matter to the 12.5 million Americans who are currently unemployed, is that the Fed decided that it needs to do more to reduce unemployment, and that it is going to use the tools at its disposal to help Americans to get back to work.

Almost immediately, conservatives decried the Fed's decision. Some have even suggested changing the Federal Reserve's mandate, saying it shouldn't focus on lowering unemployment at all -- a very dangerous proposition during our economic recovery. Others have said that the Federal Reserve should stand back, and wait for Congress to take action to stimulate the economy.

Unfortunately, I know all too well that this isn't a problem that Republicans in Congress are willing to fix right now. There's simply too much partisan gridlock in Washington to pass the types of effective fiscal policies that could also lower unemployment.

There are some things Congress can do to stop unemployment from going higher, including addressing the upcoming fiscal cliff. But when it comes to reducing unemployment, the same Republicans who are criticizing the Fed have also consistently blocked legislation, including President Obama's jobs agenda, which would have created new jobs, resulting in an America that is built to last. This type of political obstructionism is why the Federal Reserve, a nonpartisan body, was charged with maximizing employment. The current political situation is a clear demonstration of why the Fed's dual mandate is not only important but also essential.

Actions by the Federal Reserve can never offset the damage done by an obstructionist Congress that refuses to address the fiscal cliff in a balanced fashion, and simply will not work with the president to create jobs. But by engaging in this next round of quantitative easing, and by committing to further actions until the labor market improves substantially, the Fed anticipates that it can lower interest rates, help shore up the housing market, and improve business conditions for investment. The announcement that the Fed expects to maintain the Federal Funds rate to stay below a quarter of one percent until mid-2015 should also have a positive impact on the economy. In short, the Fed, under Chairman Bernanke's leadership, and with a near-unanimous vote of the FOMC, has taken Vice President Biden's advice: It's betting on the American people, not against them.


Follow Rep. Maxine Waters on Twitter: www.twitter.com/Maxinewaters

Recently, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), led by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and with an overwhelming vote of 11 to 1, decided to undertake another round of purchases of mortgage-b...
Recently, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), led by Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and with an overwhelming vote of 11 to 1, decided to undertake another round of purchases of mortgage-b...
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Recency  | 
12:03 PM on 09/27/2012
The New World Order, inflation has been institutionalized at a "modest" level of five per cent. Once in every five or six generations—as prices climb higher and higher—a new monetary unit can be issued to replace the old in order to eliminate some of the zeros. But no one will live long enough to experience more than one devaluation. Each generation is unconcerned about the loss of the previous one. Young people come into the process without realizing it is circular instead of linear. They cannot comprehend the total because they were not alive at the beginning and will not be alive at the end. In fact, there need not even be an end. The process can be continued forever.
By this mechanism—and with the output of work battalions— government can operate entirely without taxes. The lifetime output of every human being is at its disposal. Workers are allowed a color TV, state-subsidized alcohol and recreational drugs, and violent sports to amuse them, but they have no other options. They cannot escape their class. Society is divided into the rulers and the ruled, with an administrative bureaucracy in between. Privilege is now largely a right of birth. The worker class and even most of the administrators serve masters whom they do not know by name. But serve they do. Their new lords are the monetary and political scientists who created and who now control The New World Order. All of mankind is in a condition of high-tech feudalism.
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equal-opportunity Independent heathen
10:24 AM on 09/27/2012
Qe1 and QE2 did so much for our economy - NOT! Unemployment rate dropping - mostly due to many who have dropped off the roles since their benefits have run out or many who have given up even looking for a job. Over 46 million on food stamps and more hunger and poverty in our country. More foreclosures coming - are the banks holding off until AFTER the elections?

Banks are the big winners - now sitting on billions in their vaults. Business owners not hiring or planning on hiring in the next six months since they are jittery about what the election outcome will be and what new policies will be put in place.

Yeah - we need anothe "quantitative easing" - lower interest rates on savings, so who the heck will benefit from having their savings in a bank? Only the banks.
01:19 PM on 09/26/2012
What the GOP says is irrelevant since they want Obama out. The FED hasn't done much besides creating more worthless money, supposedly to help the housing market? With homes overpriced, don't hold your breath. Incidentally, homes in San Francisco are very expensive due to the tech elite paying top dollar for everything.
Riverboat Gambler, satellite whisperer
09:31 AM on 09/26/2012
Not much choice. I do not see the Fed letting the banks down without a fight (talking about commercial loans to real estate investors for strip malls, nuked-entree restaurants, etc... -- commoner 401k and home values were nuked 5 years ago).
03:49 AM on 09/26/2012
The Congressional Progressive Caucus are the only members in congress actually trying to get something done.
03:39 AM on 09/26/2012
We need to get rid of the current congress and get some sane people in there. We could be out of this situation by now, but the conservatives refuse to budge cause a black man stole their white house.
08:20 AM on 09/26/2012
"We could be out of this situation by now"

Evidence? Oh wait you have none. Just your unsubstantiated superstitious beliefs.
11:55 AM on 09/26/2012
If we had passed a real stimulus bill, not bailed out Wall Street but bailed out Main Street, and passed a jobs bill, we probably wouldn't be in this situation now.
Martha Fair
Professional RepubliBilly Factchecker
05:18 PM on 09/26/2012
and all you have is your koch bros, Karl Rove bought and paid for mind-farmed ambiguous and missleading information.
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03:01 AM on 09/26/2012
Question: How dare the Fed bet on the American people, when there are moderately robust findings in political economy showing very clearly that high unemployment tends to challenge the incumbent in an election?

Answer: because they have tools that are sharper than moderately robust polling and second-guessing the will of the electorate.

And a mandate.

They don't even need a heart to do what they've done.
12:10 AM on 09/26/2012
"But by engaging in this next round of quantitative easing, and by committing to further actions until the labor market improves substantially, the Fed anticipates that it can lower interest rates, help shore up the housing market, and improve business conditions for investment."

I see. Since it didn't work last time, or the time before that, it's SURE to work this time. What it DOES do is drive up asset prices, which benefits the rich. It drives up commodity prices, and drives down the value of the dollar, which hurts the poor. Someone has to explain to me how QE is helping the unemployed in reality, not just in theory.
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equal-opportunity Independent heathen
10:27 AM on 09/27/2012
Kinda sounds like the "war on drugs" in a way. Keep doing the same thing over and over again and hope for a different outcome. Just how low can our dollar go? We might be finding out real soon.
11:03 PM on 09/25/2012
Normally if a president presides over such lousy employment numbers, he's history, but not Barack Obama. No, for some reason, the so-called "intelligentsia" is all in for Barack, even though he's done absolutely nothing to turn this economy around.

The American public is being very skillfully played. We are being conditioned to tolerate this kind of economic performance from our government. Meanwhile, income inequality continues to grow.
03:35 AM on 09/26/2012
Austerity measures don't work. They aren't in Europe and they won't work here.
08:23 AM on 09/26/2012
"Austerity measures don't work. They aren't in Europe"

Provide your counter factual. Whoops I doubt you understand what I just said. Go back to 3rd grade science where they teach about needing a "control group" when testing.
Martha Fair
Professional RepubliBilly Factchecker
05:20 PM on 09/26/2012
Normally if a president presides over such lousy employment numbers, he's history, but not George W. Bush.
10:51 PM on 09/25/2012
"Actions by the Fed can never offset the damage done by an obstructionist Congress. But by engaging in this next round of quantitative easing, the Fed anticipates that it can help shore up the housing market and improve business conditions for investment."

What a joke. This woman is a salesperson for the corporatist elite. The Fed, in the "quantitative easing" thing, is buying 40 billion dollars a month in junky mortgage bonds from Wall Street brokerage houses. What they're doing is printing money and giving it to Wall Street. It can't and won't "shore up the housing market"--interest rates are already as low as humanly possible. And it won't "improve business conditions for investment"--interest rates are already at zero for institutional investors and cash is EVERYWHERE. Handing Wall Street 40 billion a month isn't going to hire one person. Not ONE. This is the third time they've done it.

All QE does is keep rich people fat and happy. That's the only "economy" the Fed is worried about. And Ms. Maxine Waters is doing the rich's bidding by selling you this line of nonsense.
03:36 AM on 09/26/2012
If interest rates are so low, why are the obstructionists in congress so worried about the debt instead of jobs. We can borrow more and stimulate the economy because interest rates are so low.
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equal-opportunity Independent heathen
10:30 AM on 09/27/2012
Gosh - so the person who has maxed out his credit cards should be able to go to the card company and ask for more money in order to spend more to stimulate the economy? Even though that credit card debt has not be repaid in years? And interest chares are accruing?

Makes sense? About as much as your argument.
10:13 PM on 09/25/2012
The Fed is the biggest customer in the world for treasury bonds.
Greenback Revolutionist
09:27 AM on 09/27/2012
There should be no NEED to issue Treasury bonds.

In a monetary sovereignty, where the government has the authority to issue the currency (Constitution) there is no NEED to borrow money to support the actions of the Congress.
The government should issue the currency without debt and let the bankers should freely lend the money so-created.
The illogical scenario extant is the CAUSE for all the debt in the world, and no money.
What we NEED is money - without debt.
The solution is as old as the hills, as these researchers at the IMF have recently proven.
The Chicago Plan Revisited.


two 'alves of coconut!
07:59 PM on 09/25/2012
Here's another one overdue for a recall election. Hey, lady. Your state is over 600B in debt. The Fed is just a way of creating MORE debt. Have you ever stood a competency exam to be sitting in that chair? I move that the state of California be externally audited, and if/when the people responsible for conducting the audit find a bunch of stuff not to like, that a recall election be held to facilitate the departure of the current crop of so-and-so's. Get it right, or box up your stuff and vacate the office so that someone more competent and responsible can start representing your state's citizens. Digging a deeper hole, doesn't help you get out of it.
Martha Fair
Professional RepubliBilly Factchecker
05:25 PM on 09/26/2012
If a large percentage of our population is not working than they owe no federal income tax and they can't pay down the deficit. What part of this equation do you not understand? Like Clinton said, do the arithmetic.

Simple solutions never solve complex problems with some kind of bumper sticker mentality. Only RepubliBillys believe that stuff. Either quit voting NO on programs to get people back to work or start cutting defense spending and propping up puppet governments overseas so you can prosper from dollar labor. You've got to have skin in the game or you simply don't remain credible or make any sense.
Greenback Revolutionist
09:31 AM on 09/27/2012
Dear Fair Martha

Here's a really simple solution from the IMF.
The Chicago Plan Revisited.

Restores Employment.
No inflation.
Ends boom-bust cycles.
Repays government debt.
Reduces private debt.
Just for starters.

Avoid it at your peril.
07:23 PM on 09/25/2012
Betting on Americans? Or betting on the banks? Zero interest rates until 2015 increases speculation and punishes savers. Ask some senior citizens how they feel about .75% interest on CDs. If the Fed policies were working why isn't employment increasing? Why do people have so much faith in Bernanke and why does he have so much power? Check out some of his appearances on CNBC before the sub prime crisis unfolded. He said there was no problem with housing.
religion, ideology, partisanship are delusional
09:12 PM on 09/25/2012
By "discourages savers", you mean people who live of others debt. Those that own bonds, who live off Fed, state or local taxpayers. Leeches. Nobody is entitled to a return on debt, particularly since most "savings" are inherited, or the result of same like Romney's.
Ostapuk Ivano1
M.S. in computer science
12:07 PM on 09/26/2012
Exactly. This pushes people out of safe investments and into the High Frequency Trading Machine knows as the stock market. The FED has never been to help the people out but instead to make sure the elite stay in power via inflation. For as long as politicians continue to avoid this discussion we will forever be serfs.
09:27 PM on 09/26/2012
No. I mean people who save money and invest in CDs to be able to afford a decent retirement. The leeches are the people who rely on the FED to create bubbles in the stock market so they can profit. The leeches are the politicians who helped cause the financial crisi by repealing Glass-Steagall and then failed to prosecute the banksters. They are both Republicans and Democrats.
10:55 PM on 09/25/2012
EXACTLY! The Fed is simply printing money and giving it to rich people. The only reason it's not inflationary is because wage growth is stagnant and unemployment is high.

The question is this. Is the Fed doing this because of unemployment, or is the Fed getting away with this because of unemployment? And if the Fed is getting away with this because of unemployment, it's not a great stretch to start thinking the Fed might just be tolerating, or might even be engineering unemployment, so as to be able to do such inflationary giveaways to the rich and not risk inflation?
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Uh, is that a beer hall?
06:28 PM on 09/25/2012
The Fed by definition can only impact monetary policy, not fiscal policy as that is the domain of Congress.

QE has little to no measurable impact on aggregate demand, which is what drives job creation in the economy where 70% is due to the consumer. This is even more so when interest rates are extremely low to begin with.

No one in the current Congress is willing to accept the reality, that the ONLY solution is to increase Public spending until the point that the private sector can once again sustain growth and create jobs.
religion, ideology, partisanship are delusional
09:15 PM on 09/25/2012
That's odd. Then how come the US has added 4M jobs since six months after Obama took over, despite Repub blocking any fiscal stimulus? How come unemployment fell from 10% to 8.1%?  And how come the S&P 500 is up 40+% since Obama took office, after falling 38% from start to end of Bush Presidency? (fact)

Answer: QE, and helicopter Ben to the rescue. No other reason, he saved the economy.
12:15 AM on 09/26/2012
If the S&P 500 is the economy, then yes, he saved it.

But who brags about 8% unemployment, especially when the employment participation level for men is below 70%, the lowest recorded in 65 years?
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Uh, is that a beer hall?
12:50 AM on 09/26/2012
No, for the most part you are mistaken.

The overriding reason for the jobs increase (lack of overall decrease) was the original stimulus passed after Obama took office.

QE has next to nothing to do with increasing or even maintaining aggregate demand in an economy.

The ONLY thing that adds jobs to an economy, US or otherwise is an INCREASE in SPENDING.

The FED has no material impact on that, by definition.
10:59 PM on 09/25/2012
The reality is, our government, and the Fed, are "tolerating" unemployment and wage stagnation because these factors are the only things keeping inflation in check. If the US began running even greater deficits and distributed the money to regular people, they'd spend it, and inflation would go through the roof.

The status quo--high unemployment, stagnant wage growth--will be sustained by the government and the Fed for as long as they can get away with it, because for so long as inflation is kept in check, they can keep on funneling money to the rich.
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Uh, is that a beer hall?
12:54 AM on 09/26/2012
There is NO evidence to support your assertion regarding inflation. The same argument has been made by the mainstream economists and rw ideologues for years now, however, there is NO evidence to support those myths.

I am not discounting what you have said, as it has been said before, many times. However, I am pointing out that it is completely devoid of an empirical basis.
Visualize Whirled Peas.
05:12 PM on 09/25/2012
"Others have said that the Federal Reserve should stand back, and wait for Congress to take action to stimulate the economy."

And congress will do that when hell feezes over.