Nov 09, 2012

House Election 2012 Victory: By The Numbers

Here’s a look at how House Democrats did on election night 2012 – reversing the Tea Party wave.  

200. The likely size of the new Democratic Caucus.

78.  The percent of races considered Toss Up by the Rothenberg Report that Democrats won (14 of 18).

69. The percent of races considered Toss Up by the Cook Political Report that Democrats won (20 of 29).

54. The percent of the new Democratic caucus that will be women or minorities – not white men.

16. The number of seats NRCC Chairman Pete Sessions said Republicans would pick up in 2012.

16. The number of Republican incumbents that Democrats defeated this election.

14. The number of Republican incumbents defeated back in 2008 election.

7. The number of seats Democrats likely gained (net) as President Obama was re-elected on Tuesday (2012).

3. The number of seats Republicans gained when President Bush was re-elected (2004).

Read the full summary of House Democrats’ success here.

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