A Veterans Day Message of Gratitude and Service

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) marked Veterans Day with a brief video tribute: 

“Today in America, one out of every 14 of us is a veteran. Each of these select few has a story. 

“Some served in war, some served in peace.  Some took time off work to serve, many made it their career.  Some returned unscathed, many live with the wounds of their service.  All have earned our utmost gratitude, which is the pride and purpose of Veterans Day.

“Saying ‘thank you’ is important, but there’s always more that we the people can do for those whose sacrifices preserved the heritage of freedom.  We can work to make sure they can find work, look out for the families of the fallen, be every bit the patriots our founders were.  And we can pray for those currently serving in our armed forces, that they return home safe, to be honored on this day, with a story or two of their own to tell."