Mark Udall

Mark Udall


Your United States Senator from Colorado

Eldorado Springs, CO ·

Grateful for all who have served on this . Thank you for your courage, strength & commitment to our nation.

is better & stronger b/c of immigrants. We must make comprehensive reform & the among our top priorities.

The RM West had 5152 fires that burned 1186965 acres. We must reduce risk, restore health & create in process.

bill should be bipartisan b/c it helps support in 1st responder positions like police, firefighters & EMTs.

I will keep fighting to ensure we protect our sources & help recover from effects of .

Congrats to Rep-elect Tammy Duckworth: the first female combat elected to the US Congress.

I 2nd ’s call to set aside politics & reach a fair deal on the deficit that provides families & businesses certainty.

Memuatkan nampaknya mengambil sedikit masa.

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