
12.21.12 - 10:58 PM

Because it's been a tough week: Meet Sandy Claus, aka Michael Sciaraffo, a Brooklyn-based, 31-year-old political consultant who was collecting donations for victims of Sandy when he thought of the kids, and the season, and decided to take up another collection. He works from a spreadsheet, and heads out each evening. Could there be hope? Stay tuned.

-Abby Zimet
12.21.12 - 10:13 PM

Incredible video of a police stop in Texas where two women were pulled over by a trooper for allegedly throwing a cigarette butt out their car window, and were then subjected to a public sexual assault, vaginal and anal, by a second, female trooper, using one pair of latex gloves. The troopers also accused the women of having marijuana (not), made them take a sobriety test (passed), and stole their meds. The women have sued. May their reward be bountiful.

-Abby Zimet
12.21.12 - 8:56 PM

The reviews of Wayne LaPierre's speech have been unkind and right-on: He is "Americas maddest gunman," ranting from his "hermeticaly sealed alternate universe" to reveal the NRA's "obsessive, lunatic paranoia." The carnage, meanwhile, goes on. In the week since Sandy Hook - one week - the HuffPost tracked over 100 shooting deaths. In More.

-Abby Zimet
12.21.12 - 2:08 PM

The end of the world was kinda a letdown. Still, Michigan closed its schools, Serbian villagers turned to their mystical mountains, The Guardian live-blogged - because somebody had to - and The Onion reported that scholars discovered the Mayan word for "apocalypse" in fact translates more accurately as "time of pale obese gun monsters." Amidst the hoopla, the Maya say the date simply marks the resetting of their calendar, and symbolizes "the beginning of good things." We sure hope so. 

-Abby Zimet
12.21.12 - 12:50 PM

Whoah, that was incredible. NRA shill and loathsome human being Wayne LaPierre was up on the lecturn spouting tone-deaf crap about how all this spilling of blood is the fault of videos! movies! monsters! media! Democrats! and how the only way to stop it is armed guards in all our schools because “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun" - which every bit of research says is bullshit, but okay. And here comes CodePink holding up its truth-telling, LaPierre-obliterating banner for several silent, surreal, shining moments, for all to see. Video. Oh yeah: And there's been another shooting.

-Abby Zimet
12.20.12 - 5:47 PM

A powerful new documentary about the scandal and tragedy of Haiti's cholera outbreak as seen through the eyes of a young baseball player. With the epidemic eventually traced to U.N. peacekeepers from Nepal, the filmmakers wanted to both shame an evasive U.N. into taking responsibility for the first cholera to hit Haiti in a century, and celebrate Haitians' resilience in the face of it.

-Abby Zimet
12.20.12 - 1:53 PM

For anyone who still thinks Fox News is a news show: Neuro-surgeon Eben Alexander, whose book Proof of Heaven describes his trip to "heaven" while in a coma, told his Fox hosts the young Newtown victims were “welcomed into comfort and love beyond our human understanding" and thus their unimaginably grief-stricken families can feel better. Gretchen Carlson wept, but this is not okay.

-Abby Zimet
Lina Newhouser