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Kandahar, Helmand doctors meet to mend collective concerns

Story by Sgt. Ashley Curtis | 117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment (Hawaii) | Date: 10.15.2012

Afghanistan’s war casualties rely on the medical evacuation services and expertise of a broad range of Afghan medical and civilian medical professionals. Doctors representing the full spectrum of medical... Read More

Media advisory-Press conference by Ministry of Public Health

Courtesy Story | Afghan Government Media and Information Center | Date: 08.11.2012

Kabul based media representatives are cordially invited to attend a press conference held by Dr. Suraya Dalil, Minister of Public Health regarding a New Regulation for private health sector which was approved by... Read More

Medical conference unites, strengthens region

Courtesy Story | Combined Joint Task Force 1 - Afghanistan | Date: 01.23.2012

Medical personnel throughout eastern Afghanistan gathered at Forward Operating Base Thunder to attend the inaugural Eastern Afghanistan Medical Leadership Conference held, Jan. 22-23. Read More

Eyesight correction training for Afghans bonds citizens with government

Story by Sgt. Dayan Neely | Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – Afghanistan | Date: 09.26.2011

A coalition Special Operations Forces eye doctor demonstrated a new eyesight correction kit to Afghan medical personnel and distributed eyeglasses at the Morghab district hospital, Badghis province, Sept. 26. Read More

Women learn simple techniques, potential for huge impact

Story by Sgt. Katryn Tuton | Combined Joint Special Operations Task Force – Afghanistan | Date: 02.24.2011

More than 50 women raise their hands; some are colored red by henna, some have brightly painted nails and rings of shiny metals and glittering stones decorating almost every finger. Read More