McCaskill Office

McCaskill Office


Office of U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill. Staff updates on Claire's work for Missouri.

Missouri ·

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Claire: “I’ve never been more honored or thankful to represent , and look forward to continuing my work on behalf of the state I love.”

This , Claire's thankful for everyone in the great state of , our military, and her family. Happy Thanksgiving!

Claire: “It looks like we paid $70 million for a contract that delivered next to nothing—any reasonable person is going to ask why.”

Claire: “We’ve got businesses that depend on shipping their goods and services along the Mississippi. Jobs depend on this critical access.”

This Thanksgiving, let’s remember the farmers who grow America’s food. It’s time for the US House to pass the bipartisan .

In DC for the Inaugural Ceremonies? Request a ticket through Claire’s office & you might be able to see it up close:

McCaskill lecturing Marine Gen. Joe Dunford, new Afghan commander. "Time for you all to do a gut check on nation-building."

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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