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McCaskill Votes to Protect, Expand Hunting and Fishing Rights

Senator supports Sportsmen’s Act to open more public lands to outdoor recreation

September 22, 2012

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill today released the following statement after voting early this morning to support the Sportsmen's Act of 2012-legislation aimed at protecting hunting and fishing rights and opening more public lands to outdoor recreation:

"This bill takes big steps to preserve our rural values and traditions for future generations of Missourians. Our kids and grandkids should have the same opportunities that Missourians today have, to hunt in places like the Mark Twain National Forest, and fish in spots like the Big Piney River."

The Sportsmen's Act combines 20 different measures, all aimed at preserving hunting and fishing rights and opening up more public lands to outdoor sports and recreation. Nearly 35 million acres of existing public land cannot be accessed, or have restricted access for sportsmen. The bill also includes two specific measures previously supported by McCaskill-one to permanently prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating hunting ammo and fishing tackle, and another to aid the development of new shooting ranges on public land.

The legislation is endorsed by more than 50 groups including the National Rifle Association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

McCaskill recently received a letter of support from Missouri's top sportsman's groups for her leadership on the Farm Bill, which continues to be held up by the U.S. House of Representatives.



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