Portman Press Office

Portman Press Office

Latest news from Senator Rob Portman's Communications Office
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Portman Press Office
.@ on @ today discussing the need for corporate tax reform to help create jobs
Portman Press Office
Check out @'s piece on @'s successful efforts to save 125 jobs at Gregory Industries in Canton
Kevin Hoggatt
Sen @ speaking at Gregory Industries. Jobs saved due to his work in Senate
Portman Press Office
RT @: Obama's Illegal Power Grab - Cordray's CFPB appointment violates Dodd/Frank and Constitution
Portman Press Office
RT @: .@ Yes, @ points out Dodd/Frank specifically grants CFPB dir. extra powers only if confirmed by Senate.
Portman Press Office
@ featured MT @: Obama's Illegal Power Grab - CFPB appointment violates Dodd/Frank + Constitution
Portman Press Office
MT @: @: Obama's Cordray play won't advance CFPB: CFPB must remain @ Treasury, must be confirmed.
Portman Press Office
.@ cont'd: "... need to be addressed early in the New Year."
Portman Press Office
@ cont'd: "Economic reforms that are needed, including tax reform + energy policy...regulatory relief + other issues need to...
Portman Press Office
.@ on what's next: “Washington can then focus on the more long term spending reforms that are needed..."
Portman Press Office
RP, cont'd: "The discussion is what’s happening to the American family and to the American economy."
Portman Press Office
RP: “I’ve heard a lot of talk about who’s winning + who’s losing in terms of the partisanship, to me that should not be the discussion."
Portman Press Office
.@ just wrapped conf call w OH press corps + media avail in Cincinnati on payroll tax debate, highlights to appear here shortly.
Rob Portman
Thx @ & @ for supporting Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011. Bill cuts red tape for job creators.
Portman Press Office
RT @: DEVELOPING: Senator Rob Portman talks about securing more work for Lima's JSMC
Portman Press Office
Tol-Lucas Cty Port Authority Pres Paul Toth encouraged by @’s bipart bill eliminating harbor maintenance tax
Portman Press Office
RT @: Thx for writing, pls keep ideas coming RT @: I disagree w/ @, but truly appreciate that he answers emails
Portman Press Office
MT @: Ex-Y'town Mayor Jay Williams, now in Obama's admin, + U.S. Sen. Rob Portman discuss manufacturing
Portman Press Office
RT @: DC runaway spending & debt underscore need for BBA, which is why I'm frustrated to see fail
Portman Press Office
.@ getting ready to speak on the Senate floor re: Balanced Budget Amendment. Watch live on CSPAN2