Leonard Boswell

Leonard Boswell


Your Congressman

Washington, D.C. / Iowa · http://boswell.house.gov

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

Congrats to David Heusinkveld's top of the fold in today's DSM Reg in IowaLife section!! Great Photography. He also has a Great Photo book.

Spoke with WHO ref USDA to consider releasing CRP in drought areas for livestock grazing and hay. Farmers should contact their LcL FSA ofc.

Just finished the Ankeny parade and got to see a lot of friendly people. Lots of beautiful children enjoying parade w Parents, Gr Parents

Great story on KCCI about Casey's sending Taylor Morris a taste of home. Casey's and it's Viet Nam CEO Bob Myers are CLASS Acts!

Great story on KCCI about Casey's giving Taylor Morris a taste of home. Casey's. And it's Viet Nam Vet CEO Bob Myers are CLASS Acts!

Good news! Amdt #070 from and Rep establishing a military vets ag liaison to help vets start farming PASSES!

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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