Thank You to Our Veterans

Nov 11, 2012 Issues: Veterans Affairs


Here in the First District, we known full well the honor and respect our veterans deserve. We know that Veterans Day can be summed up in two words: Thank You. 
Thank you to those who fought in the forests of Europe, the deserts of North Africa, and the waters and islands of the Pacific.
Thank you to all who put their lives on the line in the trenches of the Korean Peninsula and the jungles of Southeast Asia.
Thank you to our brave soldiers who have spent the last decade protecting our freedom in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world.
Thank you to all of the men and women who put their lives on the line every day for our nation, and who sacrificed for freedom and the American spirit.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to live in the greatest nation the world has ever known, and for keeping us all safe.
Thank you for your blood, sweat and tears, and for the dedication and courage you’ve shown in protecting our nation.
Thank you to the families of our veterans who both provide support and need our support.
And finally, thank you to all those who have made the ultimate sacrifice – while you may no longer be with us, you will never be forgotten.
I hope you will join me today in thanking our veterans, as they deserve each and every word, handshake and embrace. We will keep our promises to them, and ensure they are treated with the honor and respect they have earned.


The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.

    kathy: God Bless our US Veterans every single day for all they have done and continue to do!

    Anonymous: And Thank You Tim. Your Thank You letter to veterans is beautifully written - I agree completely.

    Carol Shao: Thanks Tim for giving all the recognition to our service men and women. They are our final defense to our walls of freedom. Most take this for granted. Everyone should take the time to say thank you to any and all service men and women. It is a timeless gesture that takes only 2 words to express gratefulness.

    Anonymous: Veterans Day honors ALL who have served our nation and defended her freedom. For all who read this and are one who served, know that for me & my family, we are very very grateful to you. We pray every grace and blessing for you today and always. Hold your head high.

    Luann Richardson: Our thanks seems hollow as we standby seemingly helpless and watch our service people ambushed and murdered by our so called allies. Afghanistan is an atrocity. Why isn't "our" president addressing this to our country's shame. Benghazi. Horrible what happened to our people and no outrage. Really shameful.

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