Gerry Connolly

Gerry Connolly


Proudly representing Virginia's 11th District

Virginia's 11th District ·

There is no tribute that truly recognizes our veterans' service, but we must make sure the resources they earned are available.

Worshipping with First Mount Zion in Prince William. Grateful for prayers that we avoid the fiscal cliff.

Honored to receive an award from the PWC Chapter of . The membership is engaged and working on countless worthy causes.

At Patriot Center concert for our vets and active duty military. Chicago --a great band for great cause. Thx American Freedom Foundation

Celebrating the recipients of the Fairfax County History Commission awards at 8th annual History Conference. FFX has a past worth preserving

Anyone but SCOTUS can see Congress' wisdom in reauth of Voting Rights Act after suppression attempts this election

Saw Spielberg's Lincoln this pm. A tour de force, faithful to history but humanizes the marble. A great achievement

I'll be on the at noon today to talk about the elections, the lame duck session of Congress, and other topics.

Honoring this yrs award winners at Leadership Fairfax annual ceremony. A wonderful organization I have been happy to support

At the annual Northern Virginia Black Chamber of Commerce awards breakfast talking about the Lame Duck. Congrats to today's winners.

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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