Rep. Trent Franks

Rep. Trent Franks


Representing Arizona's Second Congressional District.

Peoria, AZ ·

The sovereign citizens of America will demonstrate to Mr Obama that his arrogant declaration of supremacy over them is profoundly premature.

Al Qaeda tried to destroy America's soul on 9/11, but utterly failed. May God continue to protect our country from those seeking to harm it.

According to Forbes Magazine, the American taxpayers may be experiencing another General Motors bankruptcy. Bailouts are never the answer.

The U.S. Constitution is under assault by many people - both foreign and domestic - who seek to transform it to fit their own ideologies.

Democrats continue to block the Keystone pipeline, which would provide thousands of American jobs & lessen dependence on foreign oil.

Congratulations to my friend & colleague, Congressman Paul Ryan, on being selected by Gov Mitt Romney as the Vice Presidential nominee!

Last week, I, along with many of my House colleagues approved legislation to open up more offshore drilling for the United States!

لوڈنگ میں وقت لگ رہا ہے.

ٹوئٹر وقتی فنی خرابی یا زیادہ لوڈ کا شکار ہے. دوبارہ کوشش کریں یا ٹوئٹر سٹیٹس سے مزید معلومات حاصل کریں.