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  1. Listening to residents in Lindenhurst who continue to show courage in the face of adversity
    Photo: Listening to residents in Lindenhurst who continue to show courage in the face of adversity
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  3. Listening to residents in Belle Harbor who want federal, state, and local coordination to support a strong recovery after Sandy.
    Photo: Listening to residents in Belle Harbor who want federal, state, and local coordination to support a strong recovery after Sandy.
  4. Heartbreaking to see losses on Staten Island after Sandy; we're going to do everything we can to help.
    Photo: Heartbreaking to see losses on Staten Island after Sandy; we're going to do everything we can to help.
  5. Assessing the damage at Breezy Point with first responders, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, and Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder.
    Photo: Assessing the damage at Breezy Point with first responders, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, and Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder.
  6. Please tell friends and family who might be affected by Hurricane Sandy to stay indoors, even if power goes out, in order to remain safe from debris.
  7. An unprecedented storm requires an unprecedented response, and that's what FEMA and local officials are executing.
  8. New Canandaigua facility, Cadence Square, will provide housing and hope for our veterans who begin their march along the road to recovery from substance abuse and mental illness.
    Photo: New Canandaigua facility, Cadence Square, will provide housing and hope for our veterans who begin their march along the road to recovery from substance abuse and mental illness.
  9. We could say thank you to our veterans 1000 times each day, and it wouldn't be enough.
  10. Pulled into new Jamestown Gateway Station with Mayor Sam Teresi. The revitalized station, which stood vacant since '73, should boost tourism in Chautauqua County.
    Photo: Pulled into new Jamestown Gateway Station with Mayor Sam Teresi. The revitalized station, which stood vacant since '73, should boost tourism in Chautauqua County.
  11. Feds should help prevent GPS devices and a few not-so-smart phones from leading trucks into low bridges, like this one in Buffalo (photo courtesy of WIVB)
    Photo: Feds should help prevent GPS devices and a few not-so-smart phones from leading trucks into low bridges, like this one in Buffalo (photo courtesy of WIVB)
  12. Sign my Medal of Honor petition for Sgt. Henry Johnson! This African-American WW1 hero from Albany risked his life to save others.
  13. Stood with Hickey Freeman workers to rally and fight for 100-year-old company and nearly 450 jobs in Rochester.
    Photo: Stood with Hickey Freeman workers to rally and fight for 100-year-old company and nearly 450 jobs in Rochester.
  14. Working with Sen. Amy Klobuchar on legislation to put a stop to metal theft in Utica and throughout the country. The price of copper has nearly tripled over the past four years, and even street signs have gone missing to be sold as scrap metal.
    Photo: Working with Sen. Amy Klobuchar on legislation to put a stop to metal theft in Utica and throughout the country. The price of copper has nearly tripled over the past four years, and even street signs have gone missing to be sold as scrap metal.
  15. Stood with docs and health care workers at Orleans Community Health in Albion to fight for Medicare funds for rural hospitals.
    Photo: Stood with docs and health care workers at Orleans Community Health in Albion to fight for Medicare funds for rural hospitals.
  16. Toured Otis Technology in Lewis County to support Vets’ Tax Credits so more heroes can manufacture top-notch gun care kits.
    Photo: Toured Otis Technology in Lewis County to support Vets’ Tax Credits so more heroes can manufacture top-notch gun care kits.

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