Barbara Mikulski

Barbara Mikulski


U.S. Senator for Maryland

Baltimore, MD/Washington DC ·

Happy. Birthday to the. Marine Corp- Always there when the. Country Needs Them. - Always Semper Fi !!

Let's. Salute the. Vets of. All Wars. N their families. by. Making Sure we. Help them w. Jobs/ Health Care. N Education - They Deserve IT

Met w students at Northwestern High in Baltimore & discussed importance of civic engagement & voting w student reporter

Brought along a get well soon letter from Mrs. Obama & Bo for Daniel and then made him an honorary Senator!

So glad to meet w Daniel Borowy & family today and see he's getting better after Perry Hall tragedy. He's a remarkable young man

Visiting Superstorm hdqrts in Baltimore today to thank everyone working to support disaster response & relief.

Whew what a day. Working the phones around the State Chkng on the needs of our communities - squeezed in. Early Voting too

Can't stress this enough! RT : Reminder again: If you get to an intersection w/out power treat it as a 4-way stop

Good advice from on staying safe during storm, conserving power and communicating with loved ones after outages

Phone lines may be congested during/after . Let loved ones know you're OK by sending a text or updating your social networks.

power outage tip: conserve cell phone battery by reducing screen brightness, turning off periodically & limiting voice calls

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

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