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House Committee Print 104th Congress - Office of Government Ethics

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United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (Plum Book), 1996
Forward Text | More
Legend Text | More
Committee Text | More
Legislative Branch More
Architect of the Capitol Text | More
General Accounting Office Text | More
Government Printing Office Text | More
Library of Congress Text | More
United States Tax Court Text | More
Executive Branch More
Executive Office of the President Text | More
White House Office Text | More
Office of the Vice President Text | More
Office of Administration Text | More
Office of Policy Development Text | More
Office of Management and Budget Text | More
Council of Economic Advisors Text | More
Council on Environmental Quality Text | More
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Text | More
Office of Science and Technology Policy Text | More
Office of National Drug Control Policy Text | More
National Security Council Text | More
Executive Branch - Departments More
Department of Agriculture Text | More
Department of Commerce Text | More
Department of Defense More
Office of the Secretary Text | More
Air Force Text | More
Army Text | More
Navy Text | More
Department of Education Text | More
Department of Energy Text | More
Department of Health and Human Services Text | More
Department of Housing and Urban Development Text | More
Department of the Interior Text | More
Department of Justice Text | More
Department of Labor Text | More
Department of State Text | More
Department of Transportation Text | More
Department of Treasury Text | More
Department of Veterans Affairs Text | More
Independent Agencies and Government Corporations More
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Text | More
African Development Foundation Text | More
American Battle Monuments Commission Text | More
Appalachian Regional Commission Text | More
Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (United States Access Board) Text | More
Arctic Research Commission Text | More
Armed Forces Retirement Home Text | More
Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation Text | More
Central Intelligence Agency Text | More
Commission of Fine Arts Text | More
Commission on Civil Rights Text | More
Committee for Purchase from People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled Text | More
Commodity Futures Trading Commission Text | More
Consumer Product Safety Commission Text | More
Corporation for National and Community Service Text | More
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Text | More
Deleware River Basin Commission Text | More
Environmental Protection Agency Text | More
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Text | More
Export-Import Bank of the United States Text | More
Farm Credit Administration Text | More
Federal Communications Commission Text | More
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Text | More
Federal Election Commission Text | More
Federal Emergency Management Agency Text | More
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Text | More
Federal Housing Finance Board Text | More
Federal Labor Relations Authorities Text | More
Federal Maritime Commission Text | More
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Text | More
Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Text | More
Federal Reserve System Text | More
Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Text | More
Federal Trade Commission Text | More
General Services Administration Text | More
Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation Text | More
Inter-American Foundation Text | More
International Boundary and Water Commission: United States and Canada Text | More
Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin Text | More
James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation Text | More
Japan-United States Friendship Commission Text | More
Marine Mammal Commission Text | More
Merit Systems Protection Board Text | More
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Text | More
National Archives and Records Administration Text | More
National Capital Planning Commission Text | More
National Commission on Libraries and Information Science Text | More
National Council on Disability Text | More
National Credit Union Administration Text | More
National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Text | More
Institute of Museum Services Text | More
National Endowment for the Arts Text | More
National Endowment for the Humanities Text | More
National Labor Relations Board Text | More
National Mediation Board Text | More
National Science Foundation Text | More
National Transportation Safety Board Text | More
Nuclear Regulatory Commission Text | More
Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Text | More
Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Text | More
Office of Government Ethics Text | More
Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Text | More
Office of Personnel Management Text | More
Office of Special Counsel Text | More
Panama Canal Commission Text | More
Peace Corps Text | More
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Text | More
Physician Payment Review Commission Text | More
Postal Rate Commission Text | More
President's Commission on White House Fellowships Text | More
President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities Text | More
Railroad Retirement Board Text | More
Securities and Exchange Commission Text | More
Selective Service System Text | More
Small Business Administration Text | More
Smithsonian Institution Text | More
Social Security Administration Text | More
Surface Transportation Board Text | More
Susquehanna River Basin Commission Text | More
Tennessee Valley Authority Text | More
Trade and Development Agency Text | More
U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Text | More
United States Agency for International Development Text | More
Oversees Private Investment Corporation Text | More
United States Holocaust Memorial Council Text | More
United States Institute of Peace Text | More
U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency Text | More
U.S. Information Agency Text | More
United States International Trade Commission Text | More
United States Postal Service Text | More
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Text | More
Appendices More
1. Summary of Positions Subject to Noncompetitive Appointment PDF | More
2. Senior Executive Service Text | More
3. Schedule C Positions Text | More
4. Federal Salary Schedules for 1996 Text | More
Political Appointee Movement to Competitive Service/Career SES With No Break In Service or... More
1984-1989 PDF | More
1989-1993 PDF | More
1993-1996 PDF | More
5. Conversions Text | More