Congressman Joe Heck

Congressman Joe Heck


Happy Birthday : fighting our countries battles "in the air, on land and sea" for 237 years! Semper Fidelis!

Toured the Las Vegas Distillery in - George Racz, Romanian emigre finding his American Dream in Henderson! Good Luck!

Appreciated opportunity to talk w NV Assoc of Mortgage Professionals about importance of homeownership to community & economy

The definition of "dedication" and "purpose" - guarding the Tomb during Hurricane Sandy - HOOAH!

Solution for improving economy of SoNV - give Nevadans a "second chance" at homeownership. My bill would do that!

Solution for improving economy of SoNV - expedite approval process for renewable energy projects on fed lands

Solution for getting SoNV back to work - more LOCAL business owner input on workforce investment boards

Solution for bringing to SoNV - more travelers/tourists to Las Vegas valley. Click to see how we can do it!

Pemuatan tampaknya berlangsung agak lama.

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