• ONDCP Holds Meeting on Pharmacy Robberies

    Federal, state and local law enforcement officials, members of the pharmacy community, and representatives from the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) gathered yesterday at ONDCP to discuss the threat pharmacy robberies and burglaries pose on the safety and security of the general public. During the meeting, Director Kerlikowske discussed the importance of working with public safety officials to share best practices for preventing and reducing diversion of prescription drugs from pharmacies and improve data collection regarding the scope of the problem. Director Kerlikowske also highlighted the Obama Administration's comprehensive plan to reduce prescription drug abuse by 15 percent over the next five years.

    Read the readout from today's meeting to learn more.

  • UK Releases New Organized Crime Strategy

    Today, the United Kingdom released its Organized Crime Strategy. The UK's Strategy is a complement to the Transnational Organized Crime Strategy released by the US Government on Monday, July 25.

    Today's document outlines how the UK, like the United States, is updating its tools and authorities used to fight organized crime. This includes an increased focus on exploiting intelligence, such as lawful communication intercepts, to tackle organize crime. In addition, the new UK strategy also calls for closer cooperation within the European Union, through the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Quintet Group and the recently announced UK/US Organized Crime Contact Group. Finally, the Strategy outlines how the U.S. and the U.K - both leaders in global finance – will collaborate on international crime issues and work together disrupt international criminal networks, freeze criminal assets and ultimately keep communities safe.

    The UK Organized Crime Strategy calls for:

    • Speeding up the asset seizure and forfeiture process;
    • Using existing authorities more aggressively and explore what new authorities may be needed to remove blockages in the seizure process;
    • Working with the Foreign Commonwealth Office to seize assets held overseas;
    • Exploring partnerships with the private sector to more effectively target criminal finances;
    • Increasing use of asset denial to deprive criminals access to their assets even if it’s not possible to recover them; and
    • Focusing on money service businesses to prevent abuses.

    Through these recently-released strategies, the U.S. and the UK will now be able to more effectively target and address organized crime and work collaboratively to protect our citizens from transnational criminal groups which operate in both countries and around the globe.

    For more information, read the full UK strategy and the U.S. Transnational Organized Crime Strategy.

  • Drug Trafficking and Organized Crime: Converging Threats in the 21st Century

    Today, I was pleased to join my colleagues from throughout the Administration to announce the first U.S. strategy on transnational organized crime (TOC) in fifteen years. The Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime provides a comprehensive plan that will, in part, help us build on our progress to further reduce drug use in the United States and disrupt drug trafficking and its facilitation of other transnational threats.

    The days when major criminal groups specialized in one type of illicit activity or operated in a limited geographic area has ended. Criminal groups around the globe have become involved in drug trafficking, which generates over $320 billion in annual revenue, according to the United Nations, and diversify their illicit businesses.

    The Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime specifically highlights seven actions that we will be working to implement over the next year:

    • Work with international partners to reduce the global supply of and demand for illegal drugs and thereby deny funding to TOC networks.
    • Sever the links between the international illicit drug and arms trades, especially in strategic regions that are at risk of being destabilized by these interconnected threats.
    • Sustain pressure to disrupt Consolidated Priority Organization Targets, as they often have a particu¬larly corrupting influence or provide support to terrorism.
    • Maximize use of the Kingpin Act to pursue transnational drug organizations.
    • Develop a comprehensive approach to dismantle drug trafficking organizations with connections to terrorist organizations.
    • Work with international partners to shut down emerging drug transit routes and associated cor¬ruption in West Africa.
    • Coordinate with international partners to prevent synthetic drug production, trafficking, and pre¬cursor chemical diversion.

    You can read the full strategy (pdf) and a fact sheet on the strategy (pdf).

    We know that our response must include new tools and stronger international cooperation, but we also know that we must commit ourselves to reducing the use of illegal drugs here at home. That is why, just two weeks ago, ONDCP released the Administration's 2011 National Drug Control Strategy, which complements the Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime by emphasizing community-based drug prevention, integration of drug treatment into the mainstream health care system, innovations in the criminal justice system to break the cycle of drug use and crime, and international partnerships to disrupt transnational drug trafficking organizations.

    Additional resources:

    R. Gil Kerlikowske is Director of National Drug Control Policy 

  • Marilyn Quagliotti Joins ONDCP as Deputy Director of Supply Reduction

    Last week, Director Kerlikowske welcomed Marilyn Quagliotti on board as ONDCP's Deputy Director for Supply Reduction. Deputy Director Quagliotti will oversee and coordinate the Obama Administration’s efforts to reduce illegal drug cultivation in source countries and interdict the flow of dangerous drugs in transit to the United States. Deputy Director Quagliotti will also work closely other US government agencies and foreign partners to coordinate international efforts to disrupt drug trafficking organizations and to bring their leaders to justice.

    Deputy Director previously served 32 years in the United States Army, rising to the rank of Major General. She was the first woman to attain the rank of General Officer in the Signal Corps and first woman to command a battalion in a combat division. As an Army officer, she served multiple tours throughout the continental United States, South Korea, Germany and Panama. In Panama, she was the Brigade Commander, in command of a unit supporting interdiction efforts to stop the flow of illegal drugs into the United States. Deputy Director Quagliotti holds a M.S degree from the National War College in National Security Strategy and a B.S. degree from the Louisiana State University.

    We are pleased to welcome such a dedicated public servant to the ONDCP leadership team.

  • Building a Healthier America

    Improving the public health and safety of America’s communities is our primary goal in the Office of National Drug Control Policy, and last week I was pleased to release the Administration's 2011 National Drug Control Strategy, which provides the blueprint for reducing drug use. I have said many times that there is no one drug problem in America. It manifests itself in many different ways across the country. But the consequences of drug use affect us all.

    That is why our Strategy focuses on preventing substance abuse and intervening at an early stage in the process – before the costs to society mount. In 2007, the most recent year for which we have data, the economic impact of illicit drug use on American society totaled more than $193 billion, more than the estimated annual costs of diabetes, obesity, or smoking. Addressing addiction and substance abuse in this country is crucial to building a healthy, strong, and competitive America.

    The Obama Administration's inaugural National Drug Control Strategy, released last year, outlined a collaborative, balanced, and science-based approach to reducing drug use and its costs and consequences. This year’s Strategy expands and builds upon that foundation, with a continued emphasis on drug prevention and early intervention programs in healthcare settings, diverting non-violent drug offenders into treatment instead of jail, funding more scientific research on drug use, and expanding access to substance abuse treatment. For the first time, this year’s Strategy also outlines specific actions designed to improve the health and safety of three special populations affected by high rates of substance use: active duty military and veterans; college students; and women and their dependent children.

    Today's announcement builds upon several important legislative milestones achieved over the past year. In August, President Obama signed into law the Fair Sentencing Act. This significant piece of criminal justice reform dramatically reduced a 100-to-1 disparity between the amounts of powder and crack cocaine that trigger mandatory minimum sentences and eliminates the mandatory minimum sentence for simple possession of crack cocaine. It also increased penalties for major drug traffickers. In October, the President signed into law the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010, which will help communities combat the Nation’s prescription drug abuse epidemic by providing states and localities the authority to collect expired, unused, or unneeded prescription drugs. These accomplishments are part of the rebalanced approach to our Nation’s drug policy.

    Both this year and last year’s Strategies were developed with significant input from our Federal, state, local, and tribal partners, as well as dedicated experts from across the country. We look forward to working together to address this issue and build a healthier America.

    R. Gil Kerlikowske is Director of National Drug Control Policy 

  • Prescription Drugs Are Leading Cause of Drug Overdose Death In Florida

    Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released findings from a recent analysis of drug overdose deaths in Florida between 2003 and 2009. The report found, between 2003 and 2009, the number of annual deaths in which testing showed lethal concentrations of one or more drugs increased 61 percent, from 1,804 to 2,905. The new data show that, on average, eight people in Florida die every day from a drug overdose death.

    The report highlights the devastating effects prescription drug abuse causes in communities around the country. Prescription medications were implicated in 76.1% of all drug overdose deaths in Florida, while drugs like heroin and cocaine were implicated in 33.9% of the deaths. The greatest increase in death rates among prescription drugs were for oxycodone (Percocet, OxyContin) with a 264.4% increase; alprazolam (Xanax) with a 233.8% increase; methadone with a 79.2%; hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab) with a 34.9% increase; and morphine with a 26.2% increase. Among illicit drugs, there was an overall decrease in death rates of 21.4%, with a 62.2% decrease for heroin and a 10.8% decrease for cocaine.

    These new data reinforce the importance of the work the Obama Administration is undertaking to address prescription drug abuse in America. In April, ONDCP released the Administration's comprehensive action plan on prescription drug abuse - Epidemic: Responding to America's Prescription Drug Crisis. The plan, which coordinates efforts among Federal agencies, focuses on four key areas: education for healthcare professionals, patients, and the public on safe and appropriate use of prescription drugs; expansion of state-based prescription drug monitoring programs; convenient and environmentally responsible disposal methods to remove unused medications from the home; and smart law enforcement to reducing the prevalence of pill mills and doctor shopping.

  • Remembering Betty Ford - A Champion of Treatment and Recovery

    "Throughout her long and active life, Elizabeth Anne Ford distinguished herself through her courage and compassion. As our nation’s First Lady, she was a powerful advocate for women’s health and women’s rights. After leaving the White House, Mrs. Ford helped reduce the social stigma surrounding addiction and inspired thousands to seek much-needed treatment. While her death is a cause for sadness, we know that organizations such as the Betty Ford Center will honor her legacy by giving countless Americans a new lease on life." President Obama (July 8, 2011)

    Director Kerlikowske and the staff of ONDCP stand with the President in recognizing the amazing life and accomplishments of Betty Ford. A champion of treatment and recovery services, she worked tirelessly to reduce the stigma of addiction and provide the path to a healthier, happier life for countless Americans and their families. It is with great sadness and appreciation that we remember the former First Lady and the positive impact she had on the field of substance abuse. Her grace and compassion will be remembered.