Brian Bilbray

Brian Bilbray


I represent the 50th Congressional District of California.

Carlsbad, California ·

Honored to receive Science Coalition's "Champion of Science" award. Look fwd to working w/org to advance public health and renewable fuels.

Bri & I at Bruce Gorder UCSD 5K walk for melanoma. This walk raises funds for Moores Cancer Ctr $1.1 mill to date. Great turnout.

Asked by the bipartisan org "No Labels" to serve as go-to legislator. Happy to help fulfill mission.

News reporting that 1 of 4 killed in attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was a SD resident. Thoughts and prayer go out his family.

Honored to receive the Guardian of Small Business award from the Nat Federation of Independent Business. Small business important to SD.

Had a good mtg w/Matt Snyder of Local 542 Teamsters to expand transportation jobs. Agree that more private investment is good for jobs.

@ SD Regional Chamber event to discuss improving SD business climate. 95% of SD businenesses are small businesses. Important to SD!

Prez latest backdoor amnesty announcement will only increase illegal immigration. Mixed message undermines rule of law.

House just unanimously passed FDA Reform Act. Bill will promote innovative patient care and create much needed jobs. Win-win.

Melanoma press conf, someone diagnosed every 8 min w/1 death every hour. Must make public investment to finding cure.

May is Melanoma Awareness Month. Holding 11 am press conf to announce Melanoma Research Act.

House pases HR 4628, Interest Rate Reduction Act, w/my support. Gives graduates a chance to catch breath and repay w/lower 3.4 % rate.

Testified @ House Ways+Means Cmt in support of extending the algae-fuel tax credit. Curbs dependence on foreign oil and creates jobs.

Had incredible honor of mtg Lester Tenney: member of greatest generation, WWII hero and survivor of Bataan Death March. Model of honor.

House passes HR9, Small Business Tax Cut 235-173. W/1-in-10 SD residents out of work, this bill will help small businesses hire.

Had the honor of mtg Major General David Baldwin, commander of 23,000 of CA's National Guard. As impressive of a person that you can meet.

Just recieved a service award from Academy of Dermatology for support of cancer research & awareness. Proud to accept this honor.

On my way to awards ceremony to honor future leaders of tomorrow. Congressional Nominees for our service academies. Proud of these kids.

Pls keep the family members of 7 San Diego-based marines killed in mid-air collision over Yuma this morning in your thoughts and prayers.

Badirudi kargak luze hartuko duela.

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