Steve Pearce

Steve Pearce


I represent New Mexico's Second Congressional District. I am fighting to create jobs in NM and voice New Mexicans' other concerns in Washington.

Hobbs, NM ·

On my way home from a very special weekend spent with NM Natl Guard units overseas. Be sure to remember all our veterans today.

Today, we celebrate those who defend our liberty. The freedom that we hold so dear is a monument to those who sacrificed to preserve it.

Overseas this weekend with our troops...took with me over 50 high-paying jobs ready to hire returning vets. More info to come...

What a privilege to spend this Veterans Day weekend with troops overseas! I couldn't be prouder of our men and women in uniform

Heading into Veterans Day weekend--remember to show your gratitude for America's veterans! A phone call or a note of thanks speak volumes

The Cibola National Forest and Grasslands will begin selling Christmas Tree cutting permits. See here for more info

Tune in to Fox News now to see Speaker Boehner address the upcoming "FIscal Cliff" and what will be done in the House.

rose to 7.9% in Oct. President 's policies continue to fail . It is time to use solutions passed in the House.

I'm glad to hear that local responders reacted / helped so quickly. We will continue to monitor this situation. (2/2)

My office has been in touch with local officials regarding the hazardous materials located near Santa Teresa this afternoon. (1/2)

Our country will not be able to move forward until the public’s key questions surrounding tragedy are answered

Does your group want to take part in the Presidential Inaugural Parade? Click here to register for more info:

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