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Tuscaloosa VA dedicates renovated women’s wing

Increase in female veterans led to $300,000 upgrade

Eleanor Matthews, an Army veteran, speaks during a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the women’s residential area, known as Palace of Athena Goddess of War and Wisdom, at the Tuscaloosa Veterans Affairs Medical Center on Friday.

Staff photo | Michelle Lepianka Carter
Published: Saturday, June 16, 2012 at 3:30 a.m.
Last Modified: Friday, June 15, 2012 at 10:35 p.m.

TUSCALOOSA | U.S. Sen. Richard Shelby on Friday helped celebrate the opening of the newly renovated women’s wing within the residential rehabilitation treatment program at the Tuscaloosa Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

The Republican from Tuscaloosa said that the new women’s wing was a bold step in the right direction.

“Women now make up a lot of our armed forces,” Shelby said. “They will have trouble just like our male veterans, and this is a recognition of this.”

Shelby, the guest speaker at the ribbon-cutting and open house, made his remarks on the fourth floor of the hospital, surrounded by medical center staff and veterans. He was introduced by David Gay, the center’s manager of residential rehabilitation treatment programs.

About two years ago, the medical center opened a primary care unit for female veterans. With the success of that unit, mental health leadership sought to establish a similar environment within its residential program for female veterans.

“It is something I believe Tuscaloosa can be proud of,” Shelby said. “People all over this nation will be looking at this.”

Medical center volunteer Mary McLendon agreed.

“I think this will help the women veterans here and it also educates the community,” McLendon said. “We have women veterans with needs and we are trying desperately to fill those.”

Strong leadership from the medical center and the people of Tuscaloosa made the renovation possible, Shelby said.

“The worst thing we could ever do as a nation is forget the veterans,” Shelby said. “These are the people who make sure we are free.”

At the event, female veteran, Mary Lee expressed gratitude.

“I couldn’t thank y’all enough,” Lee said. “Someone finally recognized us, I give them five thumbs up.”

The $300,000 renovation includes an eight-bed unit with a living room and lounge area, a laundry room, a spa with a whirlpool and a salon area, where women can receive beauty treatments.

“It is important that we provide exceptional care to both men and women who have fought for our nation’s freedom,” Shelby said. “This new wing will ensure that female veterans receive the accommodations that they deserve.”

With an increase in female veterans seeking treatment from homelessness, substance abuse issues, or other mental health diagnoses, it is important to provide a welcome environment of security, said Damon Stevenson, public affairs officer at the Tuscaloosa VA.

“Just as we have realized the benefit of the women’s unit in our primary care area, we too recognized the need for this new women’s wing for this population of female veterans,” Stevenson said.

The wing, which will ensure women veterans receive the same quality care as their male counterparts, is only a start, said Alan Tyler, the medical center’s director.

The center was recently approved to build 50 apartments for homeless veterans and their families.

“We are very proud to take another step in improving the treatment of veterans,” Tyler said.

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