Jim Himes

Jim Himes


Congressman proudly representing Connecticut's 4th

CT and DC · http://twitter.com/jahimes

Tweets Tout / Sans réponses

Google informs me it's Auguste Rodin's 172nd Bday. Happy Birthday, sir! Your 'Fallen Caryatids' in the Musee Rodin bring tears to my eyes.

Headed to DC. Feeling pretty good about prospects for a deal averting fiscal cliff. It'll surely be sloppy, but I think we'll get there.

So thankful my constituents return me as their representative. And hugely proud of the campaign crew and volunteers. 60/40 is a big win.

Gracious concession call from Steve Obsitnik. Good man. Worthy service. Did the GOP proud.

Hard working crowd in the Fairfield Democratic HQ on the Post Road. Drop by and pitch in for these final hours!

Chris Dodd just called to check in. Said he misses the smell of the crowd and the roar of the greasepaint.

Dropped in on Democratic HQ in Stamford. I have never seen it so packed and busy.

Mayor Moccia just called me about paving outside Norwalk Dem HQ. He was not happy about it and is shutting it down before eve rush.

Lots of activity at Norwalk HQ despite access problems. Plenty of parking available behind the building.

Maybe next year the City can decide to pave small stretches of road surrounding Democratic-heavy polling places.

City of Norwalk paving small stretch of street outside Democratic HQ today, dramatically restricting access. Told it happened last year too.

And washing them.“: Rumor mill is churning that will be personally valeting cars in bpt pls confirm

Get an A!": after staying up till 4 am writing a paper on I wish I was from CT so I could give him my vote!”

Just got my sticker. George Washington's first voters got half a gallon of rum each. How far we have fallen from the ideals of the founders

Le chargement semble mettre du temps.

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