Weekly Address Highlights: A Call for Action to Help Our Economy & Solve Our Debt

The Hill reports that in the Weekly Republican Address, Speaker Boehner urged both parties to “begin action on job creation and deficit reduction,” calling it “’critical’ to avoid automatic spending cuts and tax-rate increases that could go into effect.” According to AFP, Boehner, a former small business owner “warned” that a Senate-passed “tax increase would destroy more than 700,000 American jobs.” “Boehner says,” according to the Associated Press, that “Congress should not raise tax rates on Americans and instead focus on closing tax loopholes, lowering rates and fixing entitlement programs.”

Below, check out more coverage of the Weekly Republican Address, which you can now read, listen to, watch, and download.

“URGED … ACTION ON JOB CREATION AN DEFICIT REDUCTION”: “House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called it ‘critical’ to avoid automatic spending cuts and tax-rate increases that could go into effect if Congress does not agree on a deficit-reduction plan. … Boehner urged Congress to begin action on job creation and deficit reduction. … Boehner said that Congress's deficit-reduction deal should focus on tax reform, closing tax loopholes, and reforming entitlement programs instead of raising tax rates. … The House Speaker said that approach to deficit reduction is something upon which Democrats and Republicans could agree.”  (The Hill, Election a ‘mandate to work together’ with Dems, 11/10/12)

“RENEWED CALLS FOR AVERTING THE SO-CALLED FISCAL CLIFF:” “Speaker John A. Boehner renewed calls for averting the so-called fiscal cliff in this week’s Republican address, encouraging the Senate to solve the nation’s debt through closing some tax loopholes and taking other steps that would not raise taxes on the wealthy.  Striking a conciliatory note, he referred to his brief conversation with President Obama this week and said, ‘If there was a mandate in this election, it was a mandate to work together to do what’s in the best interest of our country.’” (The New York Times, 11/10/12)

“WARNED” THAT TAX INCREASE ON SMALL BUSINESSES “WOULD DESTROY MORE THAN 700,000 AMERICAN JOBS’: “Republican House Speaker John Boehner warned in his address the tax increase would destroy more than 700,000 American jobs.  … ‘Instead of raising tax rates on the American people and accepting the damage it will do to our economy, let's start to actually solve the problem,’ Boehner said. ‘Let's focus on tax reform that closes special interest loopholes and lowers tax rates.’”  (AFP, 11/10/12)

“CONGRESS SHOULD INSTEAD FOCUS ON CLOSING TAX LOOPHOLES, LOWERING RATES AND FIXING ENTITLEMENT PROGRAMS”: “House Speaker John Boehner says in the Republican address Congress should not raise tax rates on Americans and instead focus on closing tax loopholes, lowering rates and fixing entitlement programs.  Boehner says he is hopeful the two sides can come up with an agreement that would pass Congress.” (Associated Press, 11/10/12)

INSTEAD OF RAISING TAX RATES, “FOCUS ON TAX REFORM”: “Boehner said instead of tax hikes Congress and Obama should ‘focus on tax reform that closes special interest loopholes and lowers tax rates.’ ‘Shoring up entitlements and reforming the Tax Code — closing special interest loopholes and deductions, and moving to a fairer, cleaner and simpler system — will bring jobs home and result in a stronger, healthier economy,’ Boehner said.” (POLITICO, 11/10/12)

“REFORMED TAX CODE … WOULD CLOSE SPECIAL INTEREST LOOPHOLES AND LOWER TAXES”: “Boehner has said that tax increases are ‘unacceptable.’  ‘Raising those rates on January 1 would, according to the independent firm Ernst & Young, destroy 700,000 American jobs.  That's because many of those hit by this tax increase are small business owners -- the very people who are the key to job creation in America,’ the House speaker says in this week's Republican address.   Speaker Boehner suggests a reformed tax code that would close special interests loopholes and lower taxes.  Ultimately, he says, he'd like to see a ‘fairer, cleaner and simpler system’ to generate jobs and get the economy growing.”  (ABC News Radio, “GOP Address: Speaker Boehner on Growing Our Economy,” 11/10/12)

“LOWER TAX RATES AND FEWER LOOPHOLES WOULD BRING ECONOMIC GROWTH”: “Boehner said, ‘If there was a mandate in this election, it was a mandate to work together to do what’s in the best interest of our country.  And right now, what’s best is getting our economy moving again and keeping it moving, so we can begin to restore our children’s future’ … Lower tax rates and fewer loopholes would bring economic growth and a resulting increase in federal revenues, Boehner said.” (CNN, “Obama, Boehner stand ground on fiscal cliff,” 11/10/12)

“CONGRATULATED PRESIDENT OBAMA ON HIS REELECTION”: “Delivering the Weekly Republican Address was House Speaker John Boehner.   He congratulated President Obama on his reelection and also called for a bipartisan effort to avert the "fiscal cliff.’  ‘Instead of accepting arbitrary cuts that will endanger our national defense, let's get serious about shoring up the entitlement programs that are the primary driver of our country's massive growing debt,’ Boehner said.”  (VOA News, 11/10/12)

“URGED CONGRESS TO MOVE … BEFORE AUTOMATIC TAX INCREASES AND SPENDING CUTS TAKE EFFECT”: “House Speaker John Boehner urged Congress Saturday to move quickly to create jobs and reduce taxes before automatic tax increases and spending cuts take effect. … Boehner reiterated the Republican resistance to raising tax rates for Americans making more than $250,000, charging that doing so would destroy 700,000 American jobs.”  (UPI, 11/10/12)