Steny Hoyer

Steny Hoyer


The Democratic Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives, representing Maryland's 5th Congressional District.

Washington, DC ·

Voted in support of bill normalizing Russian/Moldova trade & establishing human rights related sanctions on Russia.

Today’s sked: Vote on Russian trade normalization bill which establishes human rights-related sanctions on Russia.

It’s time for Republicans to stop blocking so we can give protection to victims & tools to law enforcement.

Tonight, I welcomed new members of the Democratic Caucus - which will be the most diverse caucus in our history.

Attended Operation Open House at Charlotte Hall Home, glad many Marylanders joined to learn about their services

Today is the last day to early in . Early voting locations are open until 9pm Please RT to spread the word.

Pleased to join biz leaders from Prince George's County Chamber of Commerce to discuss economy, , fiscal cliff

Today's report marks 32nd month adding private sector jobs – Obama’s policies are moving America forward.

Das Laden scheint etwas zu dauern.

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