Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS


Representing Arizona's First Congressional District.

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The US continues to be a beacon of freedom, because of the brave men and women who have served in the Armed Forces. Thank you

Happy birthday to the United States Marine Corps. Thank you for the 237 years of service and dedication to our freedom.

As insurance costs continue to rise and the layoffs increase, it is clear that Obamacare is killing jobs.

Casa Grande Ruins Natl Monument & other Natl park sites have free admission for all visitors this weekend,

. urges Fed to withdraw /NM jaguar proposal says it undermines true intent of ESA & is a public lands grab

Thank you to the over 120 wildfire workers from & New Mexico who traveled to NY/NJ to help the recovery

If someone you know has been forced to donate time or money to partisan union politics they oppose, please let me know:

Today, I spoke to the Arizona Historical Society on importance of preserving our & sharing it w/ our children.

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